Part 4 - introducing jai

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Ariana POV

Today I'm taking Layla to go see jai for the first time . Since I brought her in yesterday she seems to be fine . I've only text jai about bringing her in, about how I found her, about where I found her .  About her looks and that she is now apart of our loving family . It's now exactly an hour until I take her to meet jai at the airport then take Layla shopping for some new clothes and stuff like that. 
"Layla dear ?" I call up the stairs
"Yes mother " she replied with her morning voice
"Are you up ? We have a long day ahead " I tell her
"Yeah I'm coming , what's happening today?" She questioned
"We are going meeting jai and the boys at the airport and bringing them back then going shopping " I answer
"Whoah that's a lot but im up for it " she  says excitedly .

Layla POV
I was fast asleep then I heard Ariana shout up .
"Layla dear " she shouted up to me
"Yes mother " I replied forgetting she wasn't my mother and that I don't actually have a mother.
"Are you up? we have a long day ahead " she tells me
"Yeah I'm coming, what's happening today ? " I ask
" we are meeting jai and the boys at the airport and bringing them back here then going shopping " she tells me
"Woah that's a lot but I'm up for it "
I say . 
Okay now I'm really excited. What if it's the janoskians we are picking up ? What if she means jai brooks ?  By now I'm forcing my self out of bed and getting ready.
"Layla are you ready ? Twenty minutes before we have to leave " I hear Ariana ask me after knocking on my door .
"Yeah nearly " I lie.
Because I just told Ariana I'm nearly ready, I force myself up out of bed and rush to my bathroom.  I threw my pyjamas off and put music on my phone. "YOU WERE JUST AN LA GIRL I WOULD NEVER FALL FOR ,  A SPOILT LITTLE LA GIRL AND I DONT REALLY NEED THAT " I shout/ sing at the top of my lungs. 
I throw some new underwear on and my only outfit . I grab the hairbrush and brush my hair putting it in a high pony tail.  After that I fill the sink with warm water and soap and just kind of splash my face. I run downstairs phone in hand .
"I'm ready " I inform Ariana
" okay let's go " she replies
I follow behind her and grab a breakfast bar from the side and a bottle of water from the fridge .  I ran out of the door and gates at the front of the house .  Ariana unlocks her car and we both get in .  Ariana turns on the radio and we both sing songs.

Adopted by Ariana grande and jai brooks Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin