He comes!

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"Zac leave me alone", those were the last words I said before... The fire! He was going to walk me home, until we heard a scream. We both ran in that direction and saw the fire around a part of the forest. We both tried to be hero's and save the screaming women, but he pushed me aside and ran of into the fire alone. When the fire was finally put out, there was one body, but it wasn't his. His body wasn't found and he was believed dead.

4 years later

I was visiting the forest where Zac died, when I noticed there was no noise it was completely quiet, no birds. I just shrugged it off. That night I went back to the the forest and heard crying, so, I followed the noise and found a young teenager leaned up against a tree with a huge gash in there leg. Then out of nowhere a knife hits her in the head, but I didn't scream I actually walked towards where the knife was thrown. There in the dark was a boy about my age and he kinda reminded me of....ZAC I barely whispered his name. You are alive, Zac me and your parents was worried about you. He doesn't move he just stands there looking at me strangely, don't you remember me, zero! I began to cry when he shook his head no. He finally said, you know to much time to die, when he said this I began to back up and cry even more. He finally had me against a tree, but then we looked into each other's eyes and I saw my best friend was still in there, as he looked into my eyes he began to say, zero, zero is that you. I began to cry with fear and happiness at the same time. Zac you. Remember me. Then some other guy came and attacked me the last thing I saw was Zac screaming my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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