April 1st 2016

40 6 7

Thanks for coming here. I am also using this space as an online journal(sort of). If your opinions differ from mine, please note that everyone is not the same and have different views. Make sure to check out #vashapenin4lal 's work.

Sometimes there are feelings that you simply cannot change. Some person that annoys you without any reason or some incidents that simply piss you off.. But as some people say its better to be pissed off than pissed on ( reference from "THE BAD BOY AND THE TOMBOY"). It surprises me how things so small can affect you. How things can spin around in a split second. It is worse when friends who know you do something you dont like. I instantly feel bad. I am that kind of person who feels bad about things often but dont let it out. People think I am overreacting but thats not the case. They are not me. No one knows who I really am ..the only person who knew me does not care about me anymore. What I can say is talk to people. Tell them if you feel bad. Trust me. It definitely worked when I did. Tell them stuff you dislike or what you do not like them doing. If they still dont listen and constantly pester you. They are not Worth It.

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