Invisible to the world

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Blogger name-Invisible to the world

Hey fellow bloggers well here i am back in my room the summer nearly over, and school quickly approaching,  right now though thats the last thing on my mind, so let me catch you up.I've spent all summer at this summer camp, which was supposed to in my mother words be 'the most exciting and thrilling place ever" so basically i got dragged there and no surprise it turned out to be the most boring and un-thrilling experience i've ever had, but i guess it made it a bit more bearable having one of my best friends Kylie there.

But on the last night the most amazing thing happened, so i was sitting there while Kylie was off dancing, i had only just got away from her saying i needed a drink but the punch had already been drowned in alcohol but i tossed it back anyway thinking it might liven things up a bit and right now looking around i will take what i can get.

But then something caught my eye or should i say someone, harry styles he goes to my school, we've never spoken though, he's with in the 'in' crowd you see and undoubtably the hottest guy in school then suddenly he looked up and look right at me, it was to late to turn away, he had already caught me looking at him, he smiled at me, so i gave him an awkward smile back and then leaned his head to the side indicating for me to meet him out side. 

Without a second thought i followed him, so we got talking for a while and everything was going well,but it was getting cold outside so we went back to my cabin luckily Kylie wasn't back yet, we sat on the bed, then he leaned in and kissed me, i couldn't believe it,i'm still in shock to be honest, harry styles actually wanted to hook up with me......

After we had finished and he was putting his shirt back on, i decided now was as good as any to see if he wanted to do something maybe when we get back,'so i was wondering do you fancy doing something when we get back, we could catch a movie or something, its just a thought ?'

he then placed his hands around my neck and pulled me towards him, kissing me harshly, then he spoke 'the thing is i really like you but no one can know i'm in to you' and without another word he left. so i was left there confused and helpless, i mean whats that supposed to mean is he embarrassed to like me, am i that much of an embarrassment...........and i still have face explaining this to Kylie,wish me look guys !! 

but this is the year for change, a new me, a fresh start and so far things were looking good, first of all i need to

-Pull my head out of my arse and stop being afraid of showing people the real me

-Act confident, because if you seem confident, you come across as a strong person

-And lastly stop embarrassing myself, and if i slip up just embrace the attention and the problem will go away

Mum:  'ARIANA !!!!!'

oh mother how i have missed your lovely voice, 'i'm in my room' suddenly the door bursts open and in runs my mum, throwing her arms around me

Mum:  ' oh hunny how i've missed you, did you have fun ?'

i prepared myself to tell her about how boring it was but then i see the look of anticipation on her face and i don't want to bring her down, seen as she has paid all that money for me to go, i don't want her to think i'm being ungrateful  ' it was amazing mum, i had a awesome time, thank you so much for conniving me to go' - (more like dragging me)

Mum: ' oh good, i'm glad you had fun, didn't i tell you it would be fun, so did you meet any boys, come on give me the details ?"

' MUM !!!!!' 

omg here she goes again, my mum was a teen mum you see and she still hasn't came to terms with being a mum, she tells people that she's my sister and she likes to act like it too, and i must admit me and my mum do have a different relationship then other mums and daughters have, its more open..... on her side, she tells me everything, even when i say i don't want to hear it, and she always trying to dress me in these sluttish dresses at least i can get out of that, if i even go near the front door with no make up on, i get tackled to the floor.....

Mum: 'what come on, you can tell me, what happened "

' nothing happened, and even if anything did i wouldn't tell you'

Mum: what, why not, i'm a cool mum, we share everything'

'no mum you share everything, i just sit here and pretend to listen'

Mum: 'oh Ariana how ive missed, your.... humour....., anyway i have picked out the perfect outfit for your first day back'

'mum you are kidding me right, i'm not wearing that,no way'

Mum ' but look it will show off your cleavage, which will make your boobs look bigger, because lets be honest hun, you need all the help you can get'

Dad ' hun,will stop trying to dress our daughter, like a prostitute?'

(ahhh dad a voice of reason, the only sane person in this family)- hey ari, did you have a good time'

' yeah it was great, now please can you take mum and these clothes away and tell her to stop harassing me'

Mum ' alright, alright i'm going, but don't come crying to me, when everyone makes fun of you going in, in your momma jeans'

(for once mum was right about something, i did need a new wardrobe, is this new me was going to work out)

'hey mum on second thoughts, lets see those skinny jean and do you wanna go shopping?'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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