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-Chanyeol likes to eat, sleep and bully Baekhyun while Beakhyun likes to eat, sleep and hit Chanyeol.

-Luhan and Tao got hit with a cushion by Lay because they got caught eating his snacks.

-Luhan is the type that will voice out when he is angry unlike Lay who will keep it to himself and bottle it up till he explode.

-Once Xiumin and Luhan finished practiced early, so they were hiding next to the practice room entrance, wanting to scare Kris. but instead, the result was that he suddenly came out and scared Xiumin and Luhan instead.

-Kris often tells really lame jokes that no one wants to hear.

-Chen calls himself 'Dancing Machine'.

-Sehun is scared of being in elevators alone.

-D.O first thought Kai was cold but the more he saw him, the more charming he was.

-Luhan thought Chen was awkward because he wouldn't talk much.

-Baekhyun says that he always have good grades in physical education.

- Earlier when SHINee's Taemin was having long hair, Kai always joked around and told others that Taemin is his girlfriend.

-D.O says that Sehun is very tall and Sehun says that Chanyeol is very tall. Chanyeol then said that Kris is very very very tall.

-When Kai and Taemin first met, they would argue over dance moves, calling each other's dance moves wrong but in the end the bothe of them are wrong.

-Baekhyun admitted that once for a prank, he shaved one of Chanyeol's eyebrows off while Chanyeol was sleeping.

-Once Lay hurt his waist at night practising and Chen and Luhan took him to the hospital.

-Xiumin lookes like Wonder Girls' Sohee

-Suho syas that on stage Baekhyun has eyeliner on so he looked very handsome and feirce but off stage he's like a cute puppy without eyeliner.

-Kai said that once he saw Taemin naked and it was very traumatizing.

-Lay says that Kris always like to sit beside him and put on some face product for 15 to 30 minutes and Kris would deny it.

-Tao said that every time when he and Kris would go shopping, he would have to wait for Kris to style his hair.

-Lay will teach Chen how to speak in Changsha dialect.

-Lay learnt how to play the piano by himself. Once he heard it, he can play it directly.

-Kai once pretended that he was going to throw a candy that a fan gave him but he ended up eating it. He then slapped the table while laughing and he hit a pen. The pen flew up and hit his face.

-Lay worries about Xiumin. He says he is dieting too hard and he want Xiumin to be the chubby hyung he used to know.

-Baekhyun said that his left thumb's mole is too painful to remove and was told not to remove it.

-Xiumin has a habit of waking up an hour earlier that the other EXO members. He will wake them up but they will end up sleeping again so Xiumin has to come and wake them up again. He spent almost an hour everyday just to wake the other EXO members up.

-On interviews and shows, Lay will always accidentally tell the secrets of the other members. And once he started talking, no one could ever stop him.

-Lay likes to call Suho on the phone. But when Suho is about to answer it, Lay will press the 'end call' button.

-When D.O was younger, he didn't receive any chocolate on Valentine's Day, so he went to the supermarket and bought it for himself.

-Xiumin loves to hug. He wants a girl that can always hug him and give him warmth.

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