I: Becky

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              I come home to my small London apartment after a long day of working at the library. I had to talk to people three times today, a new record, so I'm kind of exhausted. I turn on my mum's old vinyl Beatles record to relax when my phone rings with a call from my best friend Jessica. Of course, I have to answer it right away.
            "Becky! You should totally go to bed early tonight!" Jessica says in her fabulous as always voice as soon as I pick up.
            "Um sure that's probably a good idea, but why?" I reply in my zero confidence voice as always.
            "Because I just think it's an awesomefab idea! Just go to bed and don't ask any more questions. Also leave your door unlocked. And also I'm bringing you to a party tomorrow!!!" She hangs up.
            Since I always do what Jessica wants even if I don't understand it, I don't lock the door and go to bed at 7:30pm. I mean it's only half an hour before my normal bedtime on nights that Jessica doesn't let me go to parties with her. I drift off to sleep, and all the night I have terrible dreams about people paying attention to me.

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