We Are Family-Keke Palmer

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[APRIL FOOLS GUYS! I'm not that wild and I know I didn't fool many of you. Here's the real chapter]

Third Person POV

Sally called thirty minutes into Percy's visit with Emmy and her mom.

"Percy, where are you? School ended forty-five minutes ago. Are you okay?"

He smiled. "I'm fine, Mom. I went to Emmy's. Sorry for not telling you."

"Oh, that's fine, honey. Just remember to text me or one of the team next time."

"Will do, Mom. Sorry." He chuckled. "Love you."

"I love you too, Percy. See you when you get home." The line clicked off.

Mitzy, who was lying across Percy's lap with a wagging tail, lifted his head to nudge his hand.

Emmy laughed. "You stopped petting him. He does that when he feels like he should have more attention."

Percy chuckled and continued to pet the large black dog. "Sorry, Buddy. Only one arm here."

Mitzy snuggled tighter against the boy's stomach as Percy pet his head.

"So, Percy, how did you meet Emmy at school?" Mrs. Sonewall asked. "She makes you sound like some sort of knight in shining armor."

Emmy laughed. "No I don't. He just helped me out with an annoying little fly by the name of Leo."

Percy laughed as well. "I wouldn't say a knight. More like a human flyswatter, if we're going by Emmy's description of Leo." He reached for the plate of cookies on the table, but Mitzy, once again annoyed at not being paid attention to, butted his hand with his large black forehead.

"Mitzy, there are other people in the room besides you." Emmy scolded jokingly as Percy lightly pushed the dog's head aside and grabbed a cookie.

"These are really good, Mrs. Sonewall." He said.

"Why, thank you, Percy!" Emmy's mom beamed.

Percy checked his watch quickly. "Well, I should probably get going soon. My mom will need help with dinner."

"Aren't you such a good boy." Mrs. Sonewall chuckled. "Helping your mom."

"Well she'll need it." Percy replied. "She's cooking for 8. And with trying to feed my uncles, it's more like cooking for 12."

"Goodness!" Mrs. Sonewall seemed surprised. "There's eight in your family?"

Percy nodded. "Me, my mom, my five uncles and my aunt."

"Well that's quite the group."

He laughed. "You have no idea." Carefully nudging Mitzy off his lap, he stood and stretched.

"Thank you for the cookies and the hospitality, I'll see you at school tomorrow, Emmy."


"Mom?" Percy called when he got home. The tower was pretty quiet, which meant Tony and the team were off doing something.

"In the kitchen, Percy."

Percy jogged down the hall. "Need any help?"

"Yeah, I could use some." His mother laughed. There were pans on every part of the stove and food all over the island area.

"What do I need to do?"

"Stir this for me." She pointed to the pot she was stirring.

Percy nodded and took her place, stirring the thick sauce.

"What is this for, Mom?"

"It's an alfredo style cheese sauce for this." His mom pointed to the broccoli that was cooking on the back burner and what Percy assumed was cheese ravioli in one of the other pots.

"You're so lucky Tony has a six burner stove." He chuckled.

"Just lets me be creative, honey." Sally kissed him on the cheek and went over to the island to start tossing a salad.

"Where's the team?" Percy asked.

"Doing various things. I told Tony and Bruce to go find some way to occupy Thor, he's so loud and I wanted some quiet. Steve's visiting Peggy, and Natasha and Clint had a meeting with Fury."

"Alright." Percy nodded.

"Percy, watch the pot!" His mother exclaimed suddenly.

Percy turned back to the pot, which he had stopped stirring. "Yikes!"

The cheesy sauce was bubbling wildly. Percy began to stir it frantically to keep it from boiling over. "Sorry, Mom!"

Sally chuckled. "Just pay a little more attention, honey."

Percy nodded. "Right. Pay attention. Got it."

About ten minutes later, they heard the elevator door opening.

"Honey, I'm home!" Tony singsonged from the living room.

"Just in time!" Percy's mom shouted back. "Dinner's almost ready."

"Yes!" They heard Tony cheered. Percy could imagine his uncle pumping a fist in the air.

"Alright, Percy, out of the way." Sally had drained out the water from the broccoli and the ravioli. Percy moved and she dumped the noodles and the vegetables into the sauce, then stirred it a little more.

"Smells good, Sal." Tony came into the room, trailed by Thor and Bruce.

"Well, eat up." Percy's mom quickly dished out four large helpings and slid one to each man, then made a smaller bowl for herself.

"This is delicious, Sally." Bruce said after finishing his first bowl.

"Would you like some more?" She chuckled. "You are eating for two after all."

Bruce rolled his eyes and pushed his bowl across the table. "Well how could I say no to such a generous offer."

"This meal, I like it." Thor boomed, sliding his bowl to Sally as well.

"Thank you for not smashing the bowl." Percy's mom smiled as she doled out seconds.

Tony snickered and got a smack on the back of the head. "Sal!"

"Don't laugh with food in your mouth, you might choke."

Percy shook his head fondly, watching his mom and his uncles and godfather interact. He was so glad this was his family.

"So, I hear you went over to a girl's house today." Tony suddenly changed the subject. Percy groaned internally.

"Percy went to a girl's house?" Clint walked through the door.

Percy dropped his head to the counter with a sigh.

And sometimes he wasn't so glad this was his family.

[A/N I'm surprised how many people saw through the april fools joke, but not that much... Anyway, I got some of you! Also, I put up the first chapter of this new story I'm working on as a teaser. It's called Revenge and it's about an original character of mine and Ihrschatz0307 so check that out!]

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