Chapter 13

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They decided they'd lie. After a week of being treated in the hospital and discovering the tumor was thankfully not malignant, they'd have to see Severe, who set them up with a psych evaluation.

All Regina had to do was pass the evaluation, which would take a lot of lying, deceiving, and manipulating. She passed with flying colors.

"Some of my old enemies used to say I was very good at getting what I wanted."

"That doesn't raise my level of trust in you, babe."

Next, they had to pay a fine to the court for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Emma glared playfully at the brunette as she pulled out the wad of cash from her wallet.

Then they sighed Regina out of the asylum. Emma waved to Severe and Gertrude and Raider as she shuffled Regina into her car. In a way, she hoped she never saw them again.

"I may have missed this metal coffin on wheels."

"Hey! This is a classic!" Emma cried before leaning forward to rub the dash. "She didn't mean it."


So Regina did change a bit after the surgery. Everything Emma already loved about her was amplified. Her sassiness increased, her confidence skyrocketed, and her wit sent the blonde into a tailspin. Plus, she affectionately called her an idiot, which Emma secretly loved. It was like Regina's pet name for her, showing her she loved her. Whenever they were in the same space, the tension increased, like they were waiting for the other to jump them. They'd kissed and maybe, possibly, allowed their hands to travel a bit but they hadn't made love. Emma wanted her so bad but she knew it needed to wait until the Storybrooke debacle was dealt with.

They drove to Emma's apartment, where Regina would stay for the night. In the morning they planned to make their way to Storybrooke.

"I'm nervous to see him when he doesn't remember me."

"If you're story is true--"

"It is Emma--"

"Then it's not problem. He'll remember you soon enough. But I didn't remember you and you instantly charmed me."

"Yes, dear, but you're easy."

Emma gasped playfully, "How rude."

Regina chuckled, the deep tones sending a pang of want through her. Emma absentmindedly stepped a little harder on the gas. They arrived at the high rise and made their up to the seventh floor. The elevator ride had been full of sexual tension, making every hair on Emma's body stand and her abdomen heat.

They stopped at the door and Emma turned to Regina, "You ready?"

The brunette nodded jerkily, her hands wringing together desperately. Emma placed her free hand on Regina's, separating them and lacing their fingers together.

"You can come in, ya know. I don't bite." Henry said through the door, making Emma burst out laughing. Even Regina cracked a smile but it was shaky.

"Smart ass kid." She got an elbow to the abdomen.

"He is not an ass." Emma just chuckled at Regina's scrunched forehead.

"Sure. Whatever you say."

With that, Emma took Henry's advice and threw the door open. She gestured for the brunette to enter first.

"Hello, Henry." Emma watched on, intrigued at how right it felt. The boy smiled sweetly, his eyes bright.

"Hey, Regina. I've heard a lot about you."

"Nothing too bad, I hope?"

"No way. My mom is stupidly in love with you. It's kind of gross."

"I'm sorry, dear, but I'm glad to hear that."

"Yeah, me too." Emma smirked. Henry was a really good kid. A smart ass but a good kid nonetheless. She stepped forward.

"Regina's staying over tonight and in the morning we're heading to her home town. So pack a bag before going to bed."

"Sure. So how's your head?"

"I'm alright. It's not exactly comfortable to have staples in your head but I'm feeling more better now, things are much clearer."

"That's good. I guess you got real lucky to have resisted arrest, huh? If not, you wouldn't have met my mom and you'd still be walking around with a tumor in your head."

"I guess Fate was on my side."

"You can say that again!" Henry chuckled before turning to his room, going to follow his moms orders and pack a bag.

"See? I was right. You're a charmer."

Regina bit her lip, "Don't let it go to your head."

"I was right and you were wrong. Say it. I want to hear it in that sexy voice."

"Ew, Ma!" The two women laughed under their breaths at Henry's mock disgust.

"Don't traumatize our son."


"I'm sorry if that still makes you uncomfortable."

"No. It has a nice ring to it. I like it."

"I'm glad."

"Me too," Emma kissed Regina's nose and pressed their foreheads together.

"Why don't we go get some sleep?"

"Sounds perfect, my love."

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