VI. Ariel

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After successfully escaping another one of Pan's traps, the group made their way back to the campsite to formulate their next course of action. They all sat around the fire pit talking, when the sound of trees rustling together drew the group's attention. They drew their weapons on the person before they knew who it was, in case it was Pan or a Lost Boy, when Grace emerged from the woods. The girl merely held her hands up in surrender at the sight of swords and arrows aimed at her. "I'm not here to cause any trouble." She said. No one moved to lower their weapons as they were still unsure of the girl's motives.

"Sounds familiar." Hook let out, her having said something similar the last time she showed up like this.

"You left us in that death trap back there. How can you expect to come back from that?" Emma snapped, furious with the teen.

David looked at his daughter knowingly. "Unless she was sent by Pan."

"I know I betrayed you all last time, but I want to help you now." Grace sighed, seeing their unconvinced looks. She tried the honest approach, "You're right; I was sent here by Pan, but it wasn't to start a fight. I'm here to send a message."

Emma narrowed her eyes. "What message? Why wouldn't he just come here and tell us himself?"

"Because it's all part of the game." Grace let out grimly. "It's Baelfire. Or Neal - whatever name he goes by nowadays; Henry's father. He's alive, and he's here on Neverland." She revealed.

Shocked looks flooded throughout the group at the girl's statement. "What?" Snow released.

"Neal is... alive?" Emma muttered out, unsure of whether to believe Grace or not.

David wasn't sure if he should believe her either. "How do we know this isn't a trick?"

Grace sighed at their doubtful looks and hoped her word would be enough. "Because I saw him myself. And Pan wouldn't lie about this. He wants you to find him. That's why he sent me here to tell you all - so you'd go after him."

"B-But I watched him get shot. How can he be alive?" Emma stammered out.

"I don't know the details. I'm not making this up."

"Why would he send you?" David questioned, "What does he hope to gain?"

Grace shook her head honestly, "Your guess is as good as mine. But it's a sure bet his intentions are anything but good. I know where he's keeping Bae. I can take us there."

"What, so you can lead us to another trap?" David snapped.

"It's not a trap, and I don't have to lead you anywhere. Actually, Hook knows where it is."

A confused look came over the pirate as he raised a brow up at the girl. "I do?"

"Yes." Grace's expression turned grim as she spoke, "He has him in the Echo Cave." At that, Hook's jaw tightened, a similar look overtaking his features.

"Echo Cave? Where's that?" Emma asked, looking between them.

"It's not far from here." Hook let out glumly. "I don't think he plans to ambush us again."

Emma frowned. "Then what is he planning?" The man refused to answer as he was overwhelmed with many thoughts about that very same question. "Hook?"

With a sigh, the pirate went on to say, "Echo Cave derives its name from an old saying, 'the deeper the lie, the more truth in its echo.' The cave demands that you reveal a truth about yourself - a secret you would never admit to anyone."

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