Chapter One

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My name's Lucy, Heartfilia. I'm an absolute fangirl, I'm a typical teenager who goes about with her daily life, I look up to a model called Mirajane Strauss and my parents died when I was young. But this is the one thing that is actually important – I'm a Mage who wants to join Fairy Tail.

When it comes to combat Magic, so far I'm clueless. Even though my Spirits – FRIENDS – seem to know a lot about it. I have one Zodiac Key, Aquarius. She's my strongest Spirit and I inherited her from my now dead mother after she passed. Thinking about my mother is always difficult, because after my father became cruel to me. Not long later he was assassinated for not giving a guy money. The last thing I heard my father say was, 'Run, Lucy dear.'

I clutched he charm he gave to me as I walked throughout Hargeon. It was a beautiful city, many docks and shops. People seemed so cheerful with their families, boyfriends/girlfriends and friends. I looked down and sighed quietly. As I wasn't looking where I was going I tripped over, quickly able to put my hands out so I didn't get hit in the face. When I looked at what I had fallen over I saw pink hair, pink? I slowly moved away and looked at the hair in question. I realised it belonged to a man and I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

I bowed my head, "S-Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!"
No reply. I slowly opened my eyes to see the guy unconscious, am I that heavy? Did I hit his head? Panic surged throughout me and I looked more closely at him, "Excuse me?"
A blue and white cat flew over – that's right, flew, and burst out laughing, "Natsu! You're so weak when it comes to trains! And boats!" The cat then noticed me and raised a brow, "Who are you?"
I jumped and bowed my head, "A-Ah.. Sorry.. I tripped over him.. My name is Lucy."
The cat laughed more, "It's okay! He's just got motion sickness. I'm Happy, aye!"
The man beside me gurgled, "Happy... I'm never going on one of those death traps again!" He sniffed the air and opened one eye to see me, I blushed, "Who're you?!" He quickly sat up and his fists lit with fire.
I gasped and backed up, putting a hand over my keys, "I-I'm Lucy.. You?" I tried to look stern and angry, despite the blush which rested on my pale cheeks.
He chuckled, "I'm Natsu, of F--" Before Natsu could continue his stomach rumbled and he fell back to the floor, "Happy... Do you have any food left?"
Happy sweat-dropped, "No, Natsu! You ate it ALL on the way here!"
I was a bit confused at their exchanged, Natsu of F- what?, the thought raced through my mind. It was impossible for him to be from Fairy Tail, it would be way too convenient for me, "I have some money.."
Natsu's ears perked up and him and Happy then started bow in front of me, making me blush, "All hail Goddess Lucy!"
"O-Okay.. Stop now, it's embarrassing and people are staring.." I mumbled and stood up slowly, I smiled at the two, "Come on! There's this place I've wanted to try for ages!"

I dragged Natsu and Happy to a restaurant I had heard about, apparently mom and dad ate here once and it was amazing. The name of the restaurant was 'Great Tavern', it was nothing fancy. I let the two order what they wanted and sighed quietly as I realised I would be spending all of the money I'd gotten together on food for them. Natsu's eating was so sloppy, food was getting everywhere! Even on me! Then there was a ruckus outside, I looked out the window and gasped, "Is that Salamander?!" I stood quickly and left most of my jewels on the table for Natsu and Happy. I rushed out and went over to the crowd of girls, but I suddenly felt weird. My cheeks started to heat up and I pushed to the front of the crowd, like love at first sight.

However my temporary confused state was burst as Natsu and Happy pushed through the crowd. I heard a shattering noise and I went back to normal as I looked at Natsu. Then the Salamander. They seemed to be having a stare off for some reason and the crowd of girls around me started attacking Natsu with their brute force. He ended up in a garbage bin and I rushed over to him,
"Are you okay?"
He nodded and laughed, "I never thought a bunch of girls could beat me like that!"
"Natsu!" Happy scolded.
I laughed quietly, "Well, thanks for helping me. That guy put a charm spell on me but when I saw you it broke for some reason!"

I helped Natsu out of the garbage and covered my nose, wafting my hand around in front of it, "You stink!"
Happy yelped and nodded, "Lucy's right Natsu!"
Natsu just pouted and crossed his arms, "Well I don't have any clothes to change into! Sigh.. Now Igneel's scarf is gonna stink like this for weeks!"
I raised a brow, "Who's Igneel?.."
Natsu looked at me, making me blush again, "Oh he's my dad.. But he went missing so I'm searching for him!"
My eyes widened and I thought of my own father, clutching the charm he'd given me tightly as it rested in my pocket.
"Aye!" Happy smiled and Natsu gave a toothy grin.
I was in surprise at them but I gave a weak and small smile, "I hope you find him soon.. I know what it's like to not have your father around.."
Natsu tilted his head, "What's wrong?"
I gasped quietly as I realised I said something I shouldn't have, "It doesn't matter. Anyways.. I think we have to part ways now as its getting late." I pointed to the setting sun, "It was nice meeting you. I hope we'll meet again one day." I walked off quickly, biting my lip as memories flooded my mind, "Father.."

Natsu and Happy watched helplessly as I walked further away, even though I didn't look back at them I could feel their unwavering gazes on my back, it made my walking awkward. After I'd gotten a distance away I allowed a tear or two to slip down my cheek. I quickly wiped them away though as a few people walked by, going on about a boat party being held and the Salamander offering to take strong mages to Fairy Tail. I gasped under my breath and covered my mouth. I quickly went to a store and bought a dress with some jewels I'd found rogue in my bag. It was nothing special, it was a blood red colour with no straps. It puffed out past the waist and came with a pretty ribbon, which I used to tie my hair up. And I bought a thin gold necklace, to put my charm on it.

Not long later I was speaking with the Salamander, "So you can get me into Fairy Tail?.."
He nodded and smirked, "It'd be nice to have a blonde beauty like you around.." He caressed my cheek, which made me uncomfortable and I moved back.
"Sorry, I'm not doing it for that. I want to improve as a Celestial Mage." I murmured.
However his reaction was less than pleasant.

A large group of men entered the room, smirking, as they carried women who were passengers on the party boat. I gasped, he was slave driving. He pushed me down and pulled my hair, I shrieked in agony but my eyes went wide as I saw a flicker of pink hair. Natsu broke through the roof of the boat, looking angry. Though his 'extreme' motion sickness took affect and he fell to the side, turning green. Many of the men laughed at him.
'Salamander' frowned, "Kill him."
My eyes widened and I struggled against him, "No! Do what you want to me, but leave him alone!" Happy flew in and head butted the dark blue headed Mage. He picked me up and flew out and away from the boat, "What about Natsu?!"
Happy looked at me, "Aye! He'll be fine!"
With no warning whatsoever a bunch of fire was shot at us, I cried out as some burned my skin, "Happy we need to go back for Natsu!" I closed one eye as I winced in pain.
The blue cat frowned, "We can't!"
Before I could ask what he meant we plummeted into the ocean. I glared at the cat. However as we broke contact with the oceans surface I lost my keys. I dived under the surface, worrying Happy as it seemed, in panic to find them. It took me a good while but I emerged from the surface clutching them in my right hand.
I took out my only gold key and yelled, "Open! Gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!"
Happy drooled as he saw Aquarius, "Fish~"
I prayed for the poor cat as Aquarius whacked him with her tail, sending him far away, "Aquarius! Please, knock that boat onto the shore!"
Aquarius glared and 'tsk'ed but I ignored it as I pointed at the boat, "Fine. Whatever man you're trying to stalk isn't interested."
I was about to protest, blushing as I thought of Natsu even if that wasn't the case, but I was swept up with the large wave which crashed the boat onto the shore. As I was washed up I groaned loudly and opened my eyes, seeing the blue cat right in front of me.
Happy's eyes snapped open as he looked around, "Where'd that juicy fish go?!"
I sweat-dropped, "Aquarius probably went back to her 'boyfriend', whoever it is."

Before we could continue we were drawn to the boat by a laugh, Natsu's laugh, "Thanks whoever did that, now I'm fired up!" Fire formed around him and I gasped as he quickly took out the man, who was apparently named 'Bora', and his subordinates. He even ate fire! I was awestruck and when I realised I was staring I blushed a dark scarlet. It was just that I hadn't been so intrigued in something for a while. Natsu walked over and gave another toothy grin.
Happy looked at the area, "Aye, Natsu you overdid it again."
Soon a barrage of guards were chasing us and Natsu grabbed my hand, running away, "Why're we being chased?! And why are you getting me into this?!"
Natsu looked back, grinning, "Well, I saw what you did... I'm bringing you to Fairy Tail! It's why you were with that creep right?"
My eyes widened as tears formed, "You're a member?!"
Natsu nodded, "Of course!"
I smiled, "Then sure! Let's go!"

We ran off. And he took me to Fairy Tail. The start of our adventure.

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