The Things We Go Through

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Hey y'all! It’s your girl Jazz, nice to meet you. I'm going to tell you a little about myself then I'm going to get right to the story. I’m 15 years old and I'm from Florida, Pensacola to be exact. I'm going to tell you right now that I'm not with the rah-rah, which means I'm not with the mess. I'm up north right now, actually I'm in Virginia. Let me tell you, I don't like it! I mean down south was the place to be, everyone was nice and had southern hospitality. In Virginia I had an hard time fitting in. The many places ive been, around the world and experienced alot of things, mostly rude people. Ok this is me, I hate when teenagers and children act like they don’t care about others and are disrespectful to their parents and elders and of course others. Like they curse in front of their parents and do bad things like drinking, smoking and breaking the law and having baby’s at a young age. I was raised to respect myself and others and believe in myself, to know that I can do anything I want in life I just have to set my mind to it. I know on T.V they make southern people look like the bad guys, well were not. You can’t believe everything on T.V, because some people on T.V aren’t nothing but ghetto snobs that don’t care about anything in this world but themselves. Honestly to me, money or things doesn’t make you happy, you make yourself happy. Sorry if I'm getting off topic but I say things that come to my mind, I don’t hold anything in. One more thing you don’t know about me is that I'm very random. The reason I think I'm random is because I think life is a journey, and you as a person have to take it somewhere. Another way to put it is “life is a canvas; throw all the paint you want on it”. So I get things off my mind when it comes to me. Enough about me let’s get to my family.I have four brothers, on my mom’s side I have one brother Chris ,21 and on my dad’s side I have 3 alive one dead. Craig 17, Mani 14, Jacob 12. C.J isn’t actually my brother it was just my dad and his mom were dating for a while, we got connected and never let each other go, until he died. He was shot and killed February two days before my birthday. I was turning 12 at the time, when my grandma called and told me the news it didn’t effect me as much as it did when I became a teenager. People told me stories about him, stories that I never knew, they told me how he was shot, why, but never who. I just want to say to my brother that I love you and when you died at the age of 15 it makes me stronger to know that I'm 15 and I'm going to live this year like it’s my last. My dad has 3 girls, me, Diamond 12, and the baby girl Kali 1. She was born on the day D.J died. I love my siblings I won’t trade them for anything in the world. My parents are divorced. My mom is in the military so we move often. Thats the reason I’m in Connecticut. Now here goes the DRAMA the LOVING MOMENTS and the DOWN FALLS. I'm not going to spoil anything just sit back and enjoy the ride, peace!

Hi everyone im new here writing things soo just please give feed back and vote. That would be greatly appriciated! :) 

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