Chapter 2

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"Thanks for the mnms toots," Alden says smiling.

His friends behind him smirk and laugh out loud as if it's the funniest thing ever that this douche stole my mnms. Some people start to look our way which is annoying me even more.

"Give. It. Back," I say sternly holding out the palm of my hand.

Woooww. Good going Anessa like that was gonna work.

"Why would I since you so graciously offered them to me," Alden says as he clutches his heart like he's touched.

Now I'm beyond pissed. Maybe I'm overreacting ,maybe I'm not but right now is not the time to take into consideration of what is logical. So I narrow my eyes and step up to Alden but look like a weakling at my height of only 5'6.

"Listen good, Parker. That friend of yours," I say pointing to his friend with orangish hair and hazel eyes," he already so carelessly smashed into me making me drop all my food leaving me with nothing to eat. And even though you probably don't care cause your some big, ignorant player who probably fell off a tree and banged every girl on the way down, I do care because I'm tired and hungry and want mnms that I bought for me. Only me. So give it back. I hate asking again."

I hold out my hand looking at Alden's stunned face. He looks around at the people gathered around us and moves his shoulders to adjust himself. I notice Jade make her way to the front of the crowd giving me a shocked expression. Soon enough though Alden turns his face back to smirking.

"Okay fine... BUT right after you lay a kiss riiigghhtt here," he says tapping his cheek.

I glare at him but quickly contort my face into a forced smile.

"Okay I can do that."

He starts to lean in turning his face and in a swift move my fist collides with the right side of his jaw. He whips his head back and gasps are heard throughout the room.  I snatch the mnms out his hand and stand there with my arms crossed, smirking because right now the realization of what I did hasn't sunk in yet.

Alden turns back to me and gives me a bewildered expression.


Suddenly Mr. Boden's voice booms throughout the cafeteria and all the students snap their heads toward him. In a split second the crowd around us scurries to their seats and all goes  quiet. Alden and I don't move an inch.

"To my Office. Now!," he sternly says.


All is quiet in Mr. Boden's office except the sound of Alden shuffling in his seat. Right when we had gotten into the principal's office, Mr.Boden got called to a parent meeting and we were to "wait nice and quietly for him."
Next to me I look at Alden and see that he's shaking his head disbelievingly. He looks up at me and catches my gaze.

"I still can't believe punched me," he says in disbelief.

"Hey you started it," I proclaim calmly raising my hands up in surrender.

"Not my fault you can't take a joke"

"Not my fault you can't take a punch," I retort. "Besides you just...caught me on a bad day."

I slump down in my seat and run my fingers through my hair. My body is in this chair but my mind is a thousand miles away. I run over every bad thing that's happened today all starting with when i realized that today was August 27. The day they left me. My body tenses and my hands clench then relax. It's not their fault. It will never be their fault.

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