At A Standpoint

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The cool metal feels slick against my sweaty palm. Although the small weapon is no stranger to me, it’s completely foreign. My arms have started to ache, so long have I held this position; arm outstretched, pointed directly in front of me. The cold, graffitied walls on either side of me seem to press closer with each passing minute.

The alley is not well lit, just a few flickering bulbs that cast an eerie orange glow. But these few light bulbs are enough to let me see exactly who I was aiming at. A mess of dirty black hair that was streaked with red, he hasn’t cut his hair in a long time... There was a slight shake of my head as I banished the thought from my head. I couldn’t afford to have these kinds of thoughts anymore. Especially since there was a gun in his hand. Pointed at me.

His face was thin, pale under the orange light. Black eyes glittered at me; I could see the hate that he wanted to pierce me with. Are they feeding you well? Are you hurt? I couldn’t stop myself.

Do you miss me?

Pain rocketed through me, although no blood was spilled. My knees threatened to buckle from beneath me, my hands started trembling, and a smirk appeared on his face.

I can’t do this.

I knew this, and so did he. He took a step closer, daring me. I stiffened my arm, focusing. I jerked my thumb, turning the safety off with a resounding click.

“Can’t do it?” It’s more of a hiss than a question. I flinched inside. That tone of voice... where did he pick that up? Where did my little baby go, the innocent one, the one who couldn’t, wouldn’t, shoot a gun, the one who I held in my arms as he cried...

“We don’t have to do th—Ah!” I gasped as my right shoulder jerked back from the force of the bullet, a searing pain ripping through my chest. I staggered one step back, clutching my shoulder, still trying to aim the gun. I gritted my teeth and locked my jaw, righting myself before raising my right arm high, forgetting about the pain, animal instinct running through me, fight or flight? Fight. Always.

There was silence for exactly three seconds, three seconds in which the tension bubbled around the both of us, swathing us in emotion. Blood dripped down my arm as I felt an explosion of raw pain, passion, love, and fear course through me. There was a shred of regret that clung to my heart, one that was easily suppressed.

After my last three seconds were up, the tension was cut and parted like the Red Sea. I saw fear flash in his eyes before our fingers moved together in sync.

Two guns fired, one resounding explosion.

As I closed my eyes for the last time, I saw a swish of a coat before everything went black.

Later, after the police had found me, they would be confused. There were two guns, three bullets, and one body that leaked blood from three places.

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