Tyler Seguin||part 1 (Dallas Stars)

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     You were walking through the airport with your bag in your hand. You were on your way to your hometown with your boyfriend Tyler. The airport was pretty packed with people waiting to get onto your flight. The two of you couldn't wait to get home.
"Y/n, I really think that it's best if we split up." Tyler spoke. Your heart stopped and you questioned him. "It's just that you're always working and I'm always out of town for hockey. I think it's best." Tyler looked up at you and you turned around, masking your tears.
"I think we should talk more about this once we get onto the flight." You spoke softly.

     When your plane was called, you grabbed out your plane ticket and passport and started walking, Tyler following behind you. Once you got near the door, you noticed that Tyler's hand was strapped around your backpack.
"Just want to make sure that I don't get lost." Tyler said with his devilish smile.

      Before you got onto the flight, Tyler turned you around and started speaking.
"Y/n, I'm not getting on this flight." You were confused, but just laughed. He would never miss a chance to be with his family.
"You're funny, Ty. C'mon let's go." You grabbed his hand, but he pulled away.
"Um, I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but the flight leaves in three minutes, so it's either you both stay here or get onto the plane now." An airport employee said to the both of you.
"I'm sorry ma'am." You walked onto the plane, Tyler walking behind you.

     Once you got onto the plane, you made your way to first class and took a seat. You realized that Tyler was no longer behind you. You reached  into your backpack to grab your phone and call him. Once you turned it on, your screen read, "message from Tyler."

Tyler: goodbye y/n

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