I'm only human, I swear (Fingers crossed)

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Hi BUDDY, buddy, buddy!!! I live for comments and I really want to hear what you think of the story!! So PLEASE comment, vote, and/or other absolutely FABULOUS what not! Thank you!!!8Q ! Nyway…on with the story…enjoy!!!

By, tastemerainbow

Okay let’s cut to the chase… Let’s start at the place where it happened… by it I mean where I was kidnaped by my buffoon of a mate! I was at my friend’s apartment building of all places. Pierce was like my best bud and also the youngest club owner who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty. Why you ask do I know this fellow…well that’s another one of my badass stories, but for future references I would like to say I know a lot of people! In the meantime my so called friend Pierce somehow got on this so called powerful alpha that just so happened to be my mates bad side!

 Nyway at the time I had no idea they crashed through the windows at night and stuff like freakin ninjas because I was taking a shower.  When I got out of the shower, that’s when I heard the noises! I quickly got changed in my sweats and tight ain’t nobody got time for that T-shirt. I couldn’t decide whether to put my wet hair in a bun or just leave it down. Cursing as I left the bathroom, I took a deep breath only to smell no other then werewolves. Just what I needed-_- ! (That was sarcasm folks)

Wait werewolves, yes I said werewolves; you know the mystical creatures you read about at campfires or wherever. Well ya in my world their not just stories. Knowing they could smell my human scent I know they know I’m here. I know what you’re thinking and yes I am not exactly human! Well technically I don’t know what I am either, but I know that I’m different. I can turn invisible, I’m really beautiful, my eyes change color ( I don’t know what it means  although I usually hide the fact with contacts)I have heightened senses and strength (even more than your normal wolf) plus I can tell when someone’s lying, so ya.  

Walking out I tried to act natural like I didn’t sense them because I’m trying to play of the whole innocent human performance/gig.

“Pierce did you order the Chinese food, yet?” I asked realizing it was the first thing that came to mind.

I walked into the room with a shocked then fearful expression. After this act I definitely deserve a Grammies award! I saw pierce held by the throat by some dude.  He didn’t turn to look over at me unlike his other pack members he brought! Out of all places to stay why on earth I chose Pierce’s?

“Who the hell do you think you are, I am the alph-“He spook stopping before saying alpha to turn towards me. Oh ya, I’m supposed to be human.

He looked in my eyes, his where so beautiful.

“Mine, mate!” he growled in a voice lower than a whisper to the point where the other wolves around would only of heard a rumble while I caught on.

Looking at my fearful expression his eyes soften before he growled, snapping himself out of his own daze.

“Who do we have here.” He snickered moving towards me. I started to tremble knowing that would probably be what a scared human would do unlike me, I want to give this guy a piece of his own medicine on the other hand.

I shakily moved backwards begging Pierce with my eyes, in the flicker of an eye I gave him a wink. I watched his body visibly relaxed before turning my attention to jerk-face.

“What’s your name sweetheart?” He asked gripping my arm.

“Autumn.” I simply stated letting the lie slip off my tongue. You all know my actually name is Sin, but autumn was the first name that popped in my mind.

I pushed myself out of his grip with a little more force than a human. Whoops! I thought hoping he wouldn’t notice. He looked a little startled before moving back into the position of gripping my arm. I stiffened feeling small sparks which is a part of the whole mate thing.

“Listen darling, you’re gonna come with me, and you’re not gonna say two words about it.” He snarled down at me gripping my arm harder, werewolf or not, that’s gonna leave a bruise.

“No you prick, you listen to me, Just leave me and my boyfriend a lone.” I spat using the word boyfriend knowing it would get him ticked off. (Remember mates8Q)

“Princess, you don’t know who you’re dealing with.” He growled shoving me across the room just enough to make me tip over.

 I went limp letting my head hit the ground acting unconscious. Okay he didn’t push me that hard but I’m just gonna let him think he did, I wonder if I truly was human what would have been the outcome. Nyway I want guilt to eat his soul and devour him. (Mwhahahah!)

“Autumn, A-autumn please.” I heard Pierces voice crack on the verge of tears, joining my little performance.

Jerk-face kneeled over beside me shaking my shoulder.

“Autumn” He whispered my name with masked worry.

I smiled to myself on the inside. Until I felt jerk-face pick me up.

“We’ll be back Pierce so take this as a warning.” The buffoon growled

“Fine just leave Autumn here.” I heard Pierces shaken up voice turn dark.

“You know, I’d rather not.” Jerk-face wickedly replied.

“Oh great” I mentally sighed knowing this would of happened either way knowing that the gods gifted me the buffoon himself as my mate.

A/N….Again I LIVE for your guy’s comments and I would literally die to see someone comment something great about this story so far. I love all COMMENTS, VOTES, AND WHAT NOTS SO PLEASE DO SO!!!!!80 YOOUUUU RROOCCKK!!!! Thank you sooo much!!!8p

Kidnapped by my mate...Big mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now