Chapter 5

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We walk into the airport and Nikki's face lit up it was cute. She acted like a little kid getting ice cream. Hey Nikki have you ever been on a plane before. She smiled and said no. What, who hasn't been on a plane I said laughing! She punched my shoulder. It hurt man she's strong. We get on the plane. Nikki got the window seat I  go the middle and Nash sat next to me.  As the plane took off she put her headphones in and laid her head on my shoulder. I started to stroke her hair and she fell asleep Nash looked at me and asked you love her huh. She's my everything I cant live without her. Nash slowly drifted and shortly after so did I.

Nikki POV:

Cam was stroking my hair it felt nice.I finally fell asleep knowing this trip was gonna be the best one yet. I kept having dreams that Cam would fall for a Fan but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I look out the window to see bright blue sky with big white clouds. I took a deep breath and closed my eye's. 

*skip to after plane ride*


We got off the plane and I told Nikki to act like a fan to scare the boy's when we find them.  Me and Cam walk up to the boy's. They point at her and say she look's fine. Nikki look's at us and scream's. Jack G look what you did now a crazy fan is going to chase us. She run's up to us and say's OMG i can't believe i'm joining Magcon. The boy's look  puzzled and I said I invited her. You can't just Invite a fan Nash Matthew said. I didn't , Matthew this is my sister. 


OMG Nikki we forgot it was you i'm so sorry. we all laughed and went in for a group hug. Your all grown I say with a smirk and lusty eyes.. Nash gives me a you better not look. Nikki just laughs and winks at me.  The whole ride to the hotel all of us boy's flirted with Nikki except for Cam. You could tell Nash was mad but I thought it was funny.  When we got to the hotel I went to grab Nikki's hand to help her out the car but Nash all ready did. Well played brother, I laughed to my self.


These guy are all like brothers to me but it's weird seeing them all over Nikki. I don't know why. At least they like her. I can tell she going to have fun. I hope we share a room. I promised my self I wouldn't try anything on her. I can tell Matthew really likes her. If they hit it off I guess ill be fine. But Nikki told me that she liked me so that might not happen. We did agree that if she falls for someone other than me I would be fine and same for her. We are about to find out the rooms i'm so anxious. 

Cam and Nash share a room. Jack and Jack share, Matthew and Nikki share, Hayes and Aaron share, Taylor and Carter share. Shawn and Brent.

Nikki POV:

I share a room with Matthew. It shouldn't be that bad. I grabbed my stuff and walked to my room. I opened the door, thank goodness there's 2 bed's 1 would have been awkward. Matthew came in and set his stuff down he looked at me with a smirk. I could see the lust in his eyes grow as he walked toward me. 

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