new school:D

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"Ellieeeeeee....let me sleeeep" Liz
Complained "no Liz!! We have to
Go to school!now!" Elizabeth thought and huffed"fine..5 more
Mins k?"Elizabeth said and Liz nodded as she left."why am I
So nice to her?"Elizabeth sighed.
"CAUSE YOU LOVE ME!!!" Liz called from her room and Elizabeth sighed but giggled.

Elizabeth waited for Liz as she sat on the stairs. Liz (this is so me XDDD)went downstairs in her pajamas. "Liz! Why didn't you change!?" Elizabeth asked"I
Was gonna but I fell asleep after the five mins.."Liz smiled sheepishly."Liz I sometimes thing I'm the older sister here -.-' "Liz
Giggled and went to the bathroom. After 13 mins she got out and they both ate breakfast.
Elizabeth looked at the clock and her eyes widened" its 7:50!!!"she
Yelled and Liz looked at the clock
"Huh.." Said Liz and in an blink of an eye she was running outside yelling"IM NOT GONNA BE LATE ON THE FIRST DAY!!NU UH ELIZABETH GET YO BUTT OUT HERE!!!"Liz kept running and Elizabeth cought up to her and finally they where in school grounds."WERE ALIVE!!"
yelled Liz as she ran to the office leaving Elizabeth alone.
"...Liz.. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!?" Elizabeth hated being alone and Liz knew this after Elizabeth yelled Liz came back grabbed her twin and
Ran to the office.

aftet grabbing their schedules

"Yes!!!all classes together!!" Liz &
Elizabeth yelled at the same time.
And Liz danced making Elizabeth giggle."come on!"Liz
Yelled and grabbed elizabeth to their class and once the door opened everyone looked at
The door.

"Ah!,I see our new students are here!everyone! This is Liz liones
And Elizabeth liones!please
Welcome them with open arms!
And only arms!" The teacher said looking at a small blonde boy who just shrugged and laughed as the pig tailed girl giggled and the guy with a pillow laughed with a guy with white hair.

"Hey can't resit" the blonde boy said with a goofy smile and looked at Elizabeth and smirked at her while Elizabeth stiffened
& blushed. As the girls took their seats the blonde haired boy walked up to Elizabeth "yo!
I'm meliodas!" He smiled goofily.
"Hi I'm Elizabeth" she said giving him her own carefree smile.the girl with pig tails went to Elizabeth. "And I'm Diane!" She said happily. "Ban~"the boy with white her and red eyes said.
" and I'm king but my friends
Call me HarleyQuinn"the boy with a pillow said."well this is
My sister Liz"Elizabeth said as she pointed at her sister but Liz was distracted talking to other people."hm..strange"Elizabeth said as she looked at Liz."what's
Wrong?"asked Diane."she doesn't usually talk to other people..oh
Well"Elizabeth said smiling and looking back at them.Diane grabbed Elizabeth and looked at her in awe"you look cute when you smile!look guys!"Diane said pointing at her lips."hey she's right"they all agreed but meliodas"mm..nah I think she
Looks adorable"meliodas said making Elizabeth blushed and hid herself"aw come on Elizabeth you have to smile!!you look better like that!!"Diane said hugging her."a-alright.."Elizabeth said trying her best to not hide.

time skip to lunch brought to you by!my laziness XD

"Hey Elizabeth sit with us!"
Diane called as Liz walked off
Secretly while smirking and once Elizabeth looked at Liz she was heading off somewhere and when she looked back Diane was walking to her and dragging her to their table."Diane you shouldn't bring her if she didn't want to.."king said sweat dropping."nonsense! Her cuteness can not be shared!right
Captain?"Diane said looking at meliodas and he nodded"her
Cuteness is only to be shown by us!"meliodas grinned at Elizabeth and once again she blushed and looked away.
She didn't notice meliodas hugging her and his face was on her(me:*sighs*his pervy self is out..)breasts."eep!"Elizabeth said as he did that."captain!"Diane
Scolded and meliodas pouted but walked back to his seat."sorry
About that Elizabeth he gets pervy around pretty girls"Diane
Whispered and elizabeth slowly nodded."you need to talk more
How about we give you a tour of the school?"meliodas asked her and everyone in the table looked at her she gulped at the attention and nodded.elizabeth was really shy when it came to attention so she didn't like it when everyone looked at her."hm..?sorry didn't
Hear you"meliodas smirked which made Elizabeth pout making her look even more adorable. "Aw" they all said in unison."I'm not cute!>.<"Elizabeth stated.

skipping the tour!:D XD

"so Elizabeth how come your sister goes away every time we walk up to you?" Diane asked and the group looked at each other then at Elizabeth."uh..see
That's the thing..I..uh..don't..
"Her voice got lower" don't know"she sqeaked and everyone was near her trying to know what she said.then elizabeth saw
Liz waiting for elizabeth.'yes!!
Liz you' Elizabeth thought"uh well..I gotta go my sister is waiting for me"elizabeth
Smiled and everyone nodded at her and she ran to Liz.

"So who was the blonde cutie?"
Liz asked elizabeth and smirked.
"Liz do you like meliodas?" Elizabeth asked"so its meliodas huh?weird name.."Liz said
Ignoring her sisters question.
"Liz?do you like meliodas?"
Elizabeth repeated and Liz
Ran to a ice cream truck.
Elizabeth mentally sighed and continued walking and saw meliodas was behind her and she stopped. "Do you live around here meliodas?" Elizabeth asked and meliodas looked at her"yeah
In fact I live over there"he pointed to a house that was next to Elizabeth's."oh so that means were neighbors!"Elizabeth smiled and meliodas nodded"guess so"meliodas stopped and looked at elizabeth.
"Something wrong?" Elizabeth asked and meliodas stood there
Waited for a few moments.

"Your like a princess" meliodas said and kept walking and entered his own house. "A..
Princess..?" Elizabeth said out loud and Liz was behind her.
"Aw he called you a princess!"
Liz said a little jelouse but
Elizabeth couldn't tell."what!?
No!h-he probably meant something else!!"then a airplane landed on elizabeth's head.

In the airplane something was wriiten there.

Your right about that I meant
Something but you know what?
If you'd like you could be my

Elizabeth just stood there blushing and looked at the house next to her and saw meliodas
Smirking. Elizabeth pouted and
Went inside the house and Liz was laughing as she entered with Elizabeth.

Hope you guys enjoyed! I would like to thank everyone who has followed me because with out your support I wouldn't have the confidence
To make stories!











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