kiane/sleep over!

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(Well you asked for it khamianali XD here is some kiane!!)

"EEEK!!" Diane hid behind elizabeth "what's wrong Diane?"
"King..he'>\\<" elizabeth looked around and finally spotted king walking up to them.
"Diane do you like king?"elizabeth asked in a teasing voice " w-what!?no!!he's just a friend!!"Diane said while she blushed madly."then what do you call this"elizabeth said as she pointed at Diane's red cheeks.
"GAH..he's coming..I'm going to the bathroom!!!>\\<" Diane ran off and once king came."where'd
Diane go?" "Uh..bathroom...?"
King gave her a 'tell-me-the-truth'
Look and elizabeth sighed "king
Do you like Diane?"king's face
Became tomato red." Y-yes.."
King stuttered looking down.
Elizabeth smiled and walked away a bit and sqealed then went back." ok elizabeth?"king asked raising a eyebrow.
"Yup!" Elizabeth said as she found Diane and dragged her out.

"A sleep over !?" Diane half asked and yelled while elizabeth nodded. "Yeah Liz is going to visit our grandparents so the house is alone so I thought well you know..I could being two friends over.." Diane raised a eyebrow "two?" "Yup two!I met
Elaine! She's really nice and I found out she likes ban!" Diane's face lit up and then smirked.
"Now ban has to pay up.." "Huh?"
"Oh ban has a crush on Elaine and we both bet on her liking/not liking him of course I bet that she did and he betted that she didn't now he has to pay!"Diane said proudly while elizabeth was deep in thought until the bell rang.
" I'll get it!"said Diane as she went downstairs.

"Ok now that were all here.."
elizabeth said mischievously while Diane and Elaine gave her a confused look."let's play the most common game of all!"
"Spin the bottle?" "Mash?"
"Nope truth or dare i mean seriously guys? The most common one!" Elizabeth said
While both girls giggled.

"Y-YOU MONSTER!!!" Diane yelled at elizabeth. "I'm doing you a favor Diane" elizabeth said giggling while Elaine sat there
Processing everything. "F-FINE.."
Diane grabbed her phone and called king."hey elizabeth why would you make her do that..?"Elaine whispered to her.
"You'll see.." Elizabeth grinned.
"K-king..?uh.." Diane looked at elizabeth and elizabeth gave her a thumbs up."w-w-would you..
Go..on a..d-d-d-date...with me..?"
Diane's head had smoke coming out of her ears when she heard
King nervously say yes."u-uh..
Ok...uh..bye"Diane threw her phone and grabbed a pillow as elizabeth ran.Elaine laughed and watched as the girls ran around.
Elaine dodged flying objects and heard a elizabeth yell"I did it for your own good ok!? Im sorry!"
Repeatedly.once they calmed down.

"WHY ME!?" Elaine yelled as she hid herself. "CAUSE BAN LIKES YOU!!!" Diane and elizabeth yelled at the same time.Elaine's
Face turned crimson red and she hid her face with a pillow."NO!!"
Diane's eyes glowed red"your gonna do it got it?its for your own good"Diane said as she cracked her knuckles.Elaine
Quickly nodded and grabbed her own phone."h-hey..ban.."silence.
"Y-yeah..oh..?..s-s-sure" Elaine squeaked.silence."b-bye.."
"SO!?" Diane and elizabeth yelled at the same time."h-he..uh..
Asked me on a date.."Diane and
Elizabeth nodded at each other then sqealed and hugged Elaine.

"IS THIS PAYBACK!?" elizabeth yelled."YUP!"elizabeth sweat dripped as she knew picking dare would be the end of her.
"At least it's a job.." Diane had dared elizabeth to take a job at a maid cafe and now that elizabeth accepted she didn't know that Diane would tell meliodas that she worked their now.
"Hey be glad we didn't make you ask your crush on a date!"Elaine
Said and elizabeth's face grew red." Oh yeah..hey Ellie..who's your crush ?"Diane asked"Ellie?"
Elizabeth asked trying to avoid
The question."yeah I saw a pick and it said Ellie and Liz so I thought I'd call you that after cite nickname for a cute girl!"Diane
Said and elizabeth smiled and was relived she forgot.
"But I didn't forget Missy.." Diane looked at elizabeth. "CAN YOU READ MY MIND!?" elizabeth yelled"so Ellie who's your crush?"
Elaine asked in a teasing voice.
"U-uh..well..uh..I'm tired!good night!" Elizabeth said as she hid
Herself. "Ellie!!!" Diane and
Elaine said at the same time.
"G-good night!!" Both girls pouted then fell asleep.

Once all the girls woke up and
Ate breakfast they went to school.At the school gates the girls were chatting and once meliodas passed them when Elaine and Diane weren't looking at them he (so typical XD)smiled and winked at her making her
Blush little did they know (get it?XD)both girls saw this and grinned

So short!!sorry I'm tired and I have school tomorrow >.<
Anyway how you enjoyed!bye!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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