Freak Week: Day 2

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Dear RoBizzle my Dizzle,

That right there is my attempt at being fun. That witty nickname right there, Robot Diary. I apologize to you and promise to never call you RoBizzle my Dizzle again. I am compensating for the humiliating moments that have happened here in the basement on Day two of Freak Week.

I didn't mention this before RoDoggie Dog (sorry, I was trying another nickname) but there is always one day of Freak Week that is ESPECIALLY embarrassing. There is always one day that makes people so uncomfortable and awkward. It makes my skin crawl, Robot Diary. Two years ago, could have been the worst that I can remember. It was an underwear storm. Tornadoes of underwear whirling through the streets. Tangling in trees and electrical wires leaving underwear debris all over town. Underwear tornadoes would start small and then hit other underwear tornadoes and get bigger. Cotton and spandex whirlwinds frightening everyone.

What made everyone uncomfortable about it was that each underwear had people's name on them! No one could figure out the significance of the names on the underwear. "Is that the kind of underwear Crush wears?" I would think to myself. Crush with his piercing blue eyes and his man bun. Who would have thought me, Lace Heavensmall would be in love with a boy with a man bun? EDIT: MAN with a man bun.

Crush is just perfect in everyway. It was just last week that Banana, Marmie and I were at lunch. Banana was trying to explain to Marmie and me that there is no such thing as right now. "If right now is when I said it, then what is this moment in time? This moment right NOW." I couldn't listen to her philosophy of time because I was too busy daydreaming about Crush. I had my cheek in my hand leaning on the table just staring at him as he was about to walk by when Marmie knocked my elbow and I nearly fell on floor. Banana and Marmie just laughed but Crush stopped and said these words that will forever resonate in my mind, "whoaaa are you like okay?" I know it doesn't seem like much but I have been in love with Crush since I hit puberty and we've had very few interactions. This was huge. That was maybe the fourth or fifth time he's spoken to me. The times before included when he asked me for the time or he asked which way the bathroom was. "Hey, you know where I can take a leak," said Crush and I whimpered, "oh um maybe" and just pointed down the hall. Such limited conversation until I almost spilled everything today. And that is why I am writing to you from a janitor's closet I found in the basement.

Day two of Freak Week is almost over and I nearly didn't survive. Today's embarrassing emotional freak week event couldn't have been worst. It made everyone speak what is TRULY on their mind. Let me tell you how we figured out this was going on.

Marmie and I were up before everyone else. We made sleeping bags out of old costumes the drama club had stored in the basement. Thankfully, medieval themed plays were all Mrs. Hugebottom liked to direct so there was fabric and cushion material for everyone to wrap themselves in. Anyway, we were just up chatting about how weird it was that Freak Week started early. I said to Marmie, "Can you believe Harry and Crush are stuck in here with us?" And like word vomit I said "I am so happy Crush is here". I slammed my hand on my mouth. Marmie giggled and said "Lace, oh em gee what has gotten into you! What if he wakes up?". And like word vomit out of Marmie, she jokingly sings, "I'm going to tell him. Lace has a crush on Crush". Deja vu. Marmie slams her hand on her mouth. We looked at each other and thought the same thing. "We speak our minds". I knew she thought this because like dorks we said it simultaneously.

Marmie and I made a pact right then to make sure we covered each other if we thought we were going to accidentally spill. We were doing our secret best friends handshake when Banana wakes up annoyed. "Why wake up when the light of day could be raining pickles or mayonnaise?" Marmie rolled her eyes and before I could race to lean over and slap her face shut, she said "Shut up Banana. What kind of name is Banana?"

The three of us just sat there shocked when Banana finally screamed, "what has gotten into you?" Everyone woke up to Banana's scream and that's when everyone's thoughts were just spewing into the air. You couldn't make out anything being said because everyone must have had 1000s of thought all flowing out at once.

All I could hear through the loud static of voices was, "Why am I talking?" "How can I get it to stop?". I heard Marmie apologize to Banana, you could tell she really meant it because she didn't reveal that she was lying through the verbal diarrhea. Banana forgave her but then accidentally said, "but what is forgiveness if this world isn't even real and this is all just a dream?" We all moved on from this. We had to realize, this was Freak Week. Weirder things were going to happen.

That was about two minutes before I glanced over at Crush who had taken down his man bun, ran his fingers through his hair to then put back up his man bun. That clique song that plays when heavens part and angels appear, yeah, that's what I heard when he was playing with his hair. And that's when my mind and mouth coordinated to embarrass me more than they ever could and I shouted, "can I play with your hair Crush?"

I kid you not, Robot Diary. I had a cold chill down my spine but I was profusely sweating at the same time. I know he heard me and whether he was choosing to not answer or pretending to not hear it, I don't know. I immediately leaned into Banana and tried to pretend that I wanted to do her hair and Marmie chimed in to try to take the attention away from me. "Oh duh Lace, you do the best fishtail braids. Please do my hair."

That is why I am here, Robot Diary. The day had barely started and my life was almost over. The rest of the day I just stayed in a corner away from Crush because I couldn't trust myself not to tell him I've been in love with him since the sixth grade when he accidentally tripped me while we were doing the mile run in gym class. So I will stay in this closet until bedtime in which I will emerge, go to my taffeta and velvet sleeping bag and hope tomorrow doesn't reveal any more embarrassing events. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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