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Alright, so you may have noticed I haven't being writing at all. I'm sorry for that. 
One issue is the fact I don't listen to Panic At The Disco anymore and barely listen to Fall Out Boy. I'm going to finish this story (I don't know when) and I believe that will be the end of my Panic obsession. I'm not going to stop writing in general, the stories will just be non-fan based. I will keep up the other stories and try to keep active with the comments and stuff whatever, but I will not write anything else.
The other issue is the fact that I have a bitch teacher for English and I have no time to myself. I apologize if it seems like that I have disregarding things, I really am sorry.

Overall, I want you guys to know that I understand if you unfollow me, I won't be offended.  I'm sorry for not talking, writing, doing anything. And I'm ultimately sorry that I don't listen to Panic anymore. 

I love you guys <3

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