Max Domi - Arizona Coyotes

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You were about to get up from your table at the restaurant when a young man sat down, looking frantic. 

"Can I help you?" you ask him and he glances behind him and grabs your hand. "Um, my ex-girlfriend is here and she's kind of scary and I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor and pretend we're here together and dating." He rushes out, looking really desperate. You sat there and thought about it, you were just going to get up and leave since your friend couldn't make it and you didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day, so you decided to stay. 

"Sure, but you're buying me lunch." you tell him as you open up your menu to look at it. He smiled at you and nodded. "I can do that." he says looking at the menu too. 

"So um, did the relationship end bad?" you ask and his eyes shoot up and to meet yours and he cracks a smile. "Kind of. She accused me of cheating on her with my sister and when I told her that it was my sister she told me to stop lying." You laugh and he begins laughing with you. 

"Yeah that sounds pretty bad." you say and he was about to respond when he was interrupted by the waiter. You both placed your orders and chatted for a bit, when you noticed a girl get up from a table and walk up to you guys. 

"Max, baby hi. Who is this?" she asks and Max's face goes white. You watch for a little bit as he panicked and giggled to yourself before cutting in. 

"I'm Y/N, it's very nice to meet you, what's your name?" you ask politely, finally saving him from trying to make up a name for you.

"I'm Christie, did Max ever tell you that we dated?" she asks, something condescending in her voice. "No, oh my gosh! Babe, how could you?" you ask, faking hurt. 

"Did he tell you he cheated on me?" she asks and Max glares at her and before he can open his mouth you cut in. 

"Really? Who was it?" 

"Her name was Carlin." she says and you stifle a snort.  "Uh, wow Max, that sounds an awful lot like your sisters name." you say and the look he gives you lets you know you're spot on with your assumption. 

"You're not wrong Y/n, I'm sure you would know since you've actually met my sister. And Christie, if you could please leave me and my beautiful girlfriend alone so we can enjoy our lunch in peace that would be lovely." Max says and she glares at the both of you before stomping away. You knew the whole relationship was fake and you had literally just met him thirty minutes ago, but his comment about you being beautiful had made you blush. 

"Thank you so much for helping me out with her. I really appreciate it." Max sighs, sounding awfully sincere. "Not a problem, it's not like I was doing anything and I get a free lunch out of it with a cute boy." you ramble and he blushes. 

After lunch you stay and talk with him for a little while longer before the waiter kicks you out for the table for another couple. You say bye to him and walk over to your car and he stops you when you reach for your keys. 

"Listen Y/n, I had a really nice time with you today, not only because you are incredibly adorable but also cause you really helped me out. I was wondering if I could have your number and take you on an actual date?" he asks and you smile. 

"Of course, I would love that." you tell him as you hand him your phone. He puts in his number and texts himself and before he leaves for the last time, he presses a kiss to you cheek. You smile and watch as he walks towards his own car, a small smile on his face, and you find yourself excited for the next time you see him. 

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