ch.26 FML

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Why me..... seriously why does some asshole donkey ear licking ass just decide to wake me up at 6 in the motherfuckin morning for...MC Donald's...Jax that's who cock sucking animal abusing choad. He's lucky I love food or I would have stabbed him with a fork.

So here I am with Adam Jax and Eli driving to MC Donald's in a fuckin robe bcuz they're hungry not to mention I look like a muhfuckin zombie that got randed (and yes I misspelled it on purpose) over. But atleast I get food.

After we order and I park I just sit there and admire the love of my life. He is perfect af.......ohhh you think I'm talking about Adam fuccckkkkk noooo I am talking about this chicken fucking nugget. Adam is a rock compared to this. But he's MY rock.

After we finish eating I drove back and fell back asleep because I'm a lazy ass bitch.

~4 hours later~ (SpongeBob voice)

I am up again great not.
See this is why I wanna stay in bed 24/7 I get to do nothing ya feel me.

I got up reluctantly and hopped in the shower and got dressed. I walked down stairs to find Jax and smokey eating with Hayes on his phone. I ate some lucky charms and went to wash my cars and I mean all of them.

After a couple hours of that I noticed the guys were just watching me wash my cars instead of helping me. Wtf lazy ass thots. They have no class. And to think I was take them to cold stone huh goddamn young retardeds.

"Are you done yet?" Hayes asks with a bored expression.

"NO BITCH" I say sarcastically.

He looks at me weird And says "OKAYYYYY"

I smh and walk to Eli who is sitting on a stool. I nudge him with my arm and he turns around and smiles. I do the same. I hear Adam growl in the background but ignore it.
"So found your mate yet" I ask. He shakes his head sadly.

I Pat his shoulder "don't worry Eli you'll find her. Shes out there some where. Just don't loose hope. Hopefully she'll be everything you want in a mate."

"I doubt it" he says.

"Why would u say that" I say scolding him.

"Because everything I want in a mate I already found in someone else. She already has a mate." By now all the guys are looking at us.

"And who's that" I ask softly.

He looks at me. Then at the guys. Then back at me "I can't say. She probably won't ever feel the same about me."

"Well whoever she is probably doesnt know what she has standing right in front of her Eli your an amazing guy with amazing qualities." I hug him. He instantly hugs back a little tighter than necessary but he's hurting so I let him. Adam growled and he pulled away. I threw a glare Adams way. To which the guys laughed at when he looked away as if he did nothing. Fuckin asshole.

I went to bed exhausted as hell.

I was up laying in bed when I heard arguing downstairs

" How did u get the coffee to taste like monkey piss" Adam yells.

"I dont know you fucking ass dick" Hayes yells back.

"Well how did you make it you fucking cum nugget" Adam yells back.

"I used your panties as a filter bitch how else" Hayes yells.

I hear some laughs.

"Oh yea suck my ass you fucking ninny" Adam yells back.

I groan and walk down stairs where the retards are arguing and the other guys are in the doorway watching.

"How does Hayes know all those phrases." I said.

Eli whispers "shhh. His parents let him watch the Simpsons when he was 10."

I busted out laughing.
"Wtf was that"

"Idk but it made u laugh" he smiles cheekily

"Dumbass" I say.

By now they stopped arguing.

" Okay now if I hear any more arguing I am beating some ass your hear me I'm going back to bed." I hear a chorus of oks walking up the stairs I jumping the on bed and fall asleep.

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