Chapter 2

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As we pulled up to the theme park you could see the excitement in Corey's eyes. He loves roller coasters. I do too so this should be a fun day. I looked at Corey as we parked.
"You ready?" I asked.
"Hell yeah I'm ready. Let's do this!"
We hopped out the car and raced to the entry way. We showed our passes and entered the park. Finally. We're in. The first thing we did was ride the Boomerang. it goes upside down twice and goes backwards.
"Dude. I can't believe you didn't throw up haha" Corey said to me. He always expects me to throw up on a ride after me doing it once on a ride at Six Flags.
"Hey. The only reason I threw up was because I ate before I rode it" I retorted. "Oh whatever, you're just weak" Corey replied as we walked to another ride called Blackfoot Falls, it was a water ride. It's like a boat and you go up and up and then you turn around on a curve and then woosh you're being splashed with a huge wave of water.
After a long day of riding rides we decided to go back to my place.
*In the car on the way home*
I put in my SlipKnoT CD. I love hearing Corey sing along to it. It's possibly the best thing in the world. We made our way slowly but surely to my house.
Once we got to my house we raced each other inside and flopped down on the couch.
"What movie do you wanna watch" Corey asked me.
"I'm cool with whatever you wanna watch" I replied.
Corey got up and put In a movie. Once the beginning came on I knew it was Shrek.  This was our favorite movie to watch together. usually we have Jim and Joey with us but they were at home with their girlfriends today so they couldn't join us.
"OGERES HAVE LAYERS!!!" we chanted at the same time.
Corey wrapped his arm around me. hm. Weird. Eventually he started to scoot closer to me.  This really was pretty odd. (A/N. HAHA GET IT. PRETTY ODD??)
I noticed these things and I think Corey noticed as he scooted away and took his arm from around me. I didn't want that.
I took his arm and put it back around me. He perked up a little bit.  Corey looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile.
He just blushed. wait. Is Corey actually blushing. Now things are really weird.
He took his hand and put it under my chin. He gently tilted it up and brought it closer to his face. Oh God.  I knew where this was going and I didn't want it to stop.
He leaned in and gently kissed me. I kissed back instantly.
I didn't realize how bad I wanted to be with Corey until now.
This was pure bliss.
He pulled away. His cheeks were pink and he had this goofy smile on his face.
He imitated Spongebob's voice.
"You liked it didn't you Gayle"
(A/N if you got the reference you're gr8)
"I liked it very much Corey..." I replied.
We sat in silence, cuddling, for the rest of Shrek.
Eventually we got up and took turns bathing. Looks like Corey would be spending the night tonight. I wasn't complaining.  Maybe we could cuddle some more...
I decided to sit on my bed while Corey bathed. After about 10 minutes he came out the bathroom and walked into my room. I was playing games on my phone so I didn't really notice, but when I looked up oh good lord I was in for a surprise. I looked up and saw a shirtless Corey in nothing but a pair of boxers. I could feel my face heat up instantly and it took everything in me not to admire him.
He noticed this.
"Go ahead and look baby girl. You're not bothering me" he said with a wink and smirk.
I swear I could have melted right then and there. I took a deep breath and patted on the bed to tell him to sit beside me.  Time to tell him how I really felt.
"Corey, I really like you. I've liked you for a while now. I don't want to ruin our friendship but I'd like to be with you. I hope you feel the same way." I confessed. Now he knows.
"I know how you feel. I'd like to be with you too. Be my girlfriend?" He asked.
"Of course. Yes. I'll be your girlfriend Corey."
"Really?! Oh man that's so cool!" He said excitedly.
I bathed once more after the long day I've had and put on a pair of joggers with a stone sour shirt. Corey gave me a piggyback ride to the kitchen so we could make some food to eat before bed.
"I want coffee and a grilled cheese!" Corey exclaimed.
"But you'll never sleep if you drink coffee... No coffee for Corey." I retorted.
"Aw c'mon Gayle" he said while pouting.
"Well fine. can I at least have another kiss?" He bargained.
"Why of course you can babe" I said before sweetly kissing him.
"Okay now to make the grilled cheese...."
*after eating*
We both walked to my room and laid down. He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and intertwined our legs together. Sooner or later his breathing slowed and he was asleep.  I rolled over and snuggled into his chest. Me moving made his grip tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
I laid there awake for some time. I've always had trouble sleeping since I was a kid.
He started talking in his sleep. The talking turned into whines. He was having a nightmare.
I easily shook him awake. He had started sweating. 
"Corey, are you okay. You seemed like you were having a nightmare."
"Yeah baby, Can you come with me for a bit though? I need a smoke."
We walked outside into the screened in sun porch and sat on the couch.
He put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. I could see him instantly relax as he inhaled and exhaled.
"You okay?" I asked him once more.
"Yeah. I'm better now. I'm still a little shook up though."
"It's okay, I've got you" I said as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as tight as I possibly could.
"Thanks love"
After he finished the cigarette we walked inside and laid back down.
We resumed our position with his arms around my waist and we both drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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Only When She Loves Me - Corey Taylor Where stories live. Discover now