Chapter 1, Art class

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Hailey walked into her art class and all the students in the room went dead silent and they all stopped what they were doing and stared at her, as she walked over to an empty seat at the very back. She quickly took her bag off her back and took all her art equipment out and placed them on the desk in front of her, and then she placed her empty back pack on the floor beside her chair. “Oh my God, can you believe what she’s wearing?” asked Emily with a shocked face as she turned to her best friends, Hannah and Sophia, then she quickly turned to her boyfriend, Nathan who was in the conversation, “I know right, she doesn’t know how to dress herself properly” agreed Hannah as she turned to face Hailey, then she just dropped her jaw with shock while Nathan shook his head slightly in disbelief “I mean, I’m a guy and a can dress better than that” said Nathan with a proud face, both Emily and Hannah nodded their heads when they turned to look at Nathan to see what he was wearing, “who would even date her?” asked Hannah with a slightly confused face.          

“Probably a tramp” replied Sophia as she looked back at Hailey who just sat there in her chair by the window with an upset face, she was used to the negative comments from her classmates through the school years and she’ll have to get used to them all over again at university. As Emily, Nathan, Hannah and Sophia all filled the room with their roars of laughter, a girl called Clara Wilson walked in and she had brunette, long, straight hair and she had brown eyes. She stopped in the middle of the room when she heard them laughing then she turned to Emily then she spotted Hailey at the corner of her eye sitting alone and with an upset look on her face and Clara soon figured out what they were laughing about. Clara glared over at Emily who then spotted her, “what do you want?” questioned Emily with an aggressive tone in her voice as she had her hands on her hips, “for you and your friends to shut up and stop picking on this poor girl” replied Clara then she walked over to Hailey and she soon stopped, “hi, I’m Clara Wilson” greeted Clara as she held out a hand for Hailey to shake, who just stared up in amazement, “Hailey Tonkin” said Hailey Tonkin as she shook Clara’s hand, they both looked at each other with smiles on their faces then Clara looked down at the chair she was standing beside then she pointed down at the chair, “is this seat taken?” asked Clara with an even huge smile on her face, Hailey shook her head, “no it’s not taken at all” replied Hailey, as she helped Clara with the chair then Clara quickly took her art equipment out of her backpack and placed them on her side of the desk then she also placed her bag on the floor beside her chair. Professor Jones soon walked in with a cup of coffee in one hand and his laptop in the other, he placed them both, gently on his desk and began with the class, “today, you’re all going to draw a flower and it can be any flower and you can choose the colour” said Professor Jones as he showed a few pictures of flowers on his laptop as well as some old paintings of flowers that he also had on his laptop. The class quickly got into it while Professor Jones just sat in his desk, sipping his boiling hot coffee.

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