Chapter 7

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Responding to their question was definitely a big mistake. Having been tortured multiple times, she became more sensitive when somebody came close to her. The moment Chen approached her with a plate on his hand; she knew that what would come next couldn't be good. And she, once again, had to succumb to whatever sick actions those boys had in store for her. Haejae eyed the plate carefully. That was when she noticed that those were definitely not food. Those things... were all small, dark-colored... and creeping rapidly all around the plate.

Under the physical excruciating pain, she was starting to feel nauseous. Chen bent down in front of her and with a sincere smile upon his face, he showed her what was actually on the plate. Ignoring the sharp sting that came from her ribcage, Haejae jerked her body away from the plate and shrieked as hard as she could. What she saw made her sick to the pit of her stomach. On the plate there were five fat cockroaches, running around on it with their antennae pointing out. "Nothing but the best for a pretty girl like you," said Chen. He was still smiling, while taking out one of the cockroaches and examined it up and down. Out of reflex, she brushed off Chen's hand that held a cockroach away. "Get them away from me!" Haejae screeched out loud and covered her mouth with her left hand, since her right was made paralyzed by Yixing's work of art.

Haejae indistinctly heard the sound of footsteps came toward her before suddenly her hair was being harshly pulled back. Haejae shrieked over the shock "Be a good girl, and do as he says!" Xiu Min said as he started to feel impatient with her. "We're tired of you, whining like some kind of spoiled kid!" He groaned on her right ear, while his hand was tilting back Haejae's head. "Please..." She began to cry once more. Her weeps came harder than ever. It hurt her just to take a deep breath between her sobs, and Xiu min's hand on her hair only made the pain to be a lot worse. "EAT. THEM. NOW," He exclaimed the words while his hand was pushing her head down until her face was only inches away above the plate. Her pupils dilated seeing the nasty creatures creeping on it. "Well? Stop staring and eat them!" Chen barked at her.

Haejae couldn't stop her body from shuddering. She felt like she was about to faint. As if sensing her distress, Luhan shouted with his sweetest sing-song voice, "That's okay, darling. They have a lot of protein, and girls need protein, don't they?" he smirked. "Okay, I'm counting to three, if you still don't eat your fucking food, you'll see what happen then!" Xiu Min whispered to her ear. "One...", Haejae cried louder, she was confused beyond words. "Two..." Xiu Min continued counting while Haejae was staring at the roaches on the plate. She couldn't make up her mind; she hated the idea of having the cockroaches, but all the same, she was afraid of what will happen if she dares to refuse. "Three."

Too afraid of Xiu Min's threat, she hastily grabbed one cockroach from the plate and hurriedly put it inside her mouth. Instantly, she could feel how the fat cockroach creeped around to all directions as if trying to find a way out of her mouth. Its antennae tickled the top of her mouth cavity, and its hairy legs left a sharp tingle on her tongue. "Just chew. It doesn't taste as bad, though." Chen said calmly, but she knew that he always had his eyes fixated upon her; watching her. Through tears, Haejae tried to fight her disgust and bit down the cockroach in her mouth. With a crack, she could feel the cockroach's gel-like fluid flowed down through her salivary glands. The bitterness and terrible odor immediately filled her mouth down to her throat. Could hardly take it anymore, she spat the ripped roach out to the ground.

Looking extremely angry, Chen took a bigger roach on the plate and shoved it into Haejae's mouth while she was still coughing. "JUST EAT IT, I SAID!" His eyes were burning through her soul. She could not fight back and avoid Chen's hand since Xiu Min immediately caught her hair, and forced her to stay still. Tears were flowing down her eyes when she felt the bigger roach crawling here and there inside her mouth. "CHEW. IT," groaned Xiu Min still on her ears. Numbing her own senses, she chewed down the cockroach a couple of times. She ignored the hell-like horrible taste and swallowed it in a matter of seconds. All she wanted was to forget the taste, and after it slid down her throat, she took a deep breath as if grateful for being able to catch some air after the terrible experience.

Chen smiled in satisfaction. "Good girl," he said while he was leisurely picking up the rest of the cockroaches and fed her one by one. It was a major chaos inside Haejae's mouth. Roaches' body parts, saliva and vomit were scrambled there. She tried her best not to puke right then and there on the floor, because she knew that it would only make her condition worse. Without chewing completely, she gulped and let the nasty creatures went down inside her stomach. The rest of the members laughed and clapped along from the other side of the room; treating the sight in front of them as if it was the most engrossing television show.

Finally the last roach went inside Haejae's mouth. She gulped it down hurriedly, and took a much-needed deep breath afterward. When her tormenting dinner was done, stains of blood, vomit, and saliva were spread across her face down to her stomach. Chen smiled while he was putting back his plate. He then took a glass of water not far from where he was standing. "Be grateful! We give you such healthy dinner," he slowly slid the glass upon Haejae's mouth. She gratefully drank a little, but spat out a second after. All EXO M members laughed harder; the merciless laughs that echoed throughout the room. Carefully, Haejae eyed the water in the glass. It wasn't clear like the usual water. It was a bit yellowish while still transparent, and it tasted unlike water. It was sour and bitter.. and it was stinky.

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