Chapter 1

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Alayna was no ordinary girl. She was different from everyone. She saw the dark part about life, there was no light. Life to her was full of darkness just people trying to escape their harsh lifestyles. Alayna always knew that even your shadow leaves you in the darkness. To her that meant that even in your hardest of times people leave & she just had to get use to that. She was the type of girl that wanted to be alone but didn't want to be lonely. After she had gotten use to people leaving her life, she realized that she had no friends nor family it was just her. She knew that she had " family & friends" if you understand, but she never perceived it in that way. People always say "your not alone" but the truth is we are all alone destined to find out who we are & in the mist of that whether we choose to believe it or not we're all fighting our battles alone. People leave & yes life can be a bitch sometimes but we just have to adjust to those things. Alayna went through many things & wanted someone to be there for her & tell her that everything was going to be fine. There were times when she thought about commiting suicide
because the pain was too much to bare. That was before, now alayna knows that she doesn't need anyone to be there nor to tell her that everything will be fine. Alayna realized that people are always going to hurt you whether its the ones we love or the closest to us. Everybody hurts each other and thats just the truth. Pain is always going to be there but its the way we handle that pain and putting more harm onto our body isn't going to help.

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