Death Is Near

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Fionna's POV*

I woke up in a different room than before. This one has strange things. There was a tiny window on the left wall. It was smaller. Almost like a jail cell from those movies Marshal showed me. It even had bars in the front and on the window.and the walls were brick and had writing that I couldn't make out all over them. I was laying on a hard wooden bed that had one tiny pillow. Sitting in the corner was a mug of dirty water and a loaf of bread.

"Look who's awake. You ready?" Ashley looked at me and sneered as if I was some ugly rat.

"Ready for what?" I brought myself to say

"Death." She said calmly like it was no big deal.


"You didn't think you'd get out of here alive did you? Besides your death would be so tragic to Marshal that he'd kill himself."

"Who are you gonna get to do it? They'll know it was you!"

"I wouldn't do that. Too dirty. I'm having my new boyfriend do it." She said happily

"Who would date you?"

"Babe come on in!" She yelled

In came a familiar face.


(I was gonna leave you here but I decided you deserve more.)

"Yes Fionna. If you don't love me, I'll have to kill you. I'm sorry my sweet... I just can't stand to see you with that vampire." He opened the door and raised a knife.

"WAIT!" Screamed Ashley.

"What?" Gumball yelled.

"We have to make her look beautiful and take her to the place I told Marshal to meet me then kill her in front of Marshal."

He nodded and walked away with out a word as if he wasn't about to kill a friend a few seconds ago.

"Now, let's get you dolled up."


About an hour later she had me in a tight black corset top with with a black skirt that went down to my ankles. She had me with smoky eyes and bright red lip stick. She cut me hair to my butt and curled it then slipping a black bunny head band in it.

"Wow... too bad I'm killing you soon. You're actually very pretty." She smiled

Even though I was sad I blushed. She looked at the time.

"Better get you to the cemetery."


Gumball's POV* (won't be that long)

"BABE!" Screamed Ashley.

I didn't really like Ashley, I still loved Fionna but she doesn't love me, so I have to kill her before she turns up a vampire. When I got to the cell I saw Fionna. She looked beautiful. I had to kiss her.

"Ashley. Can I have a moment alone with Fionna?"

She walked out of the room. I'm taking it as a yes.

"Wow" I stroked her cheek. "You look a amazing."

Back to Fionna's POV*

He stroked me cheek. "You look amazing" he sighed.

I glared at him. I hate him. He's going to kill me but first he has to talk to me alone.

"Too bad I have to kill you." He said.

Ashley walked back in just as Gumball leaned in and kissed me.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed as a pushed him off.

"This is why you wanted her alone with you? So you can cheat on me?" Ashley sounded hurt.

"Babe, she came onto me." Gumball lied. 

"YOU!" She pointed at me "Your death will be even more painful! GUMBALL LET'S GO!"

With that he slapped tape over my mouth and put a blind fold on me and carried me to wherever we're going.

When we finally got there I was cold. They wouldn't take off the blind fold though.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice. Marshal.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my arm, it felt like I was being stabbed.

"OW!" I screamed.

"Fi?! Fionna?!" I heard Marshal yell. He sounded worried

Before I could talk there was another sharp pain, this time in my leg.

I screamed loudly, I'd been cut before but never like this. This felt like every cut and scrape all in one, Gumball knew what he was doing. Before anything else could happen I felt a stab in my heart.

Goodbye Cake, I've always been happy with you

Goodbye FP, I know you only meant good for me.

Goodbye crazy Ice Queen, I know you were just lonely.

And lastly. Goodbye Marshal, I'm glad I didn't see your face at this moment. I'll always, forever and always love you. More than anyone or anything in this world, you are the one.

No one's POV*

Fionna fell to the ground her dead and lifeless body sat there.

No breathing.

No heart beat.


Gumball and Ashley ran away, leaving Marshal and the dead girl, alone. 

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