In Your Dreams

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Sauriel doesn't sleep. She spends the nights traveling with Alex either driving to their next shady motel, or reading an old book, sitting beside her on the bed. Or, that's what Alex thinks she does, and she's not wrong. Most nights Sauriel can spend hours taking in everything about Alex.

Memorizing the soft curves of her body on the sheets and the way her chest rises and falls with each breath. Tonight Alex's light brown hair spills over the pillow and moon and city lights make it glow like a stream. The lights of passing cars played across her face and Sauriel could make out a new constellation in her freckles with every flash of light.

These odd combinations of blue and yellow remind her of her ho- no. Heaven. The personal Heaven of generous New Yorker. A comfortable apartment with a balcony overlooking every city light and a sky with no light pollution.

When Alex's eyebrows pull together gently and her grip on the blanket tightens Sauriel lays her hand on her partner's shoulder. A light appears under Sauriel's palm and Alex relaxes. Sauriel remembers the first time she used her grace to keep Alex's night terrors at bay. They had sat with their hands intertwined and talked about the Grigori angel's abilities to manipulate dreams until Alex nodded off, mumbling "I wish I had an angel to let me sleep..."

When light on Alex's face becomes golden, Sauriel thinks her eyelashes look like flames of fire and her freckles are sparks. Then she feels like she can't move and the holy fire surrounds her. She thinks she sees a figure behind the circle--

"Sar? Wake up." Alex's voice cuts through her mind, and Sauriel sits up with a gasp. She was asleep. She's never done that before. She can see why Alex used to always be so reluctant to rest.

Alex sits at the edge of the bed, her bag packed and ready to be on the road again. "I've never seen you sleep before. I thought you'd died for a minute there." She says with good humor, and concern in her brown eyes.

Sauriel stares at her palms, thinking of the grace she'd expended last night. Her brother had told her that being cast out meant becoming human. "My grace is weakening because I've been cut off from heaven. I'm..."

Alex leaned forward and pushed Sauriel's short, black hair behind her ear. "Falling?" She asks quietly, her hand cupping her face. Its warm and doesn't feel foreign.

Sauriel's green eyes snap up to Alex's face. "Yes." She answers. And she realizes that she is falling hard, but that's okay. Because Alex is there to catch her.

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