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I'm sorry. I'm just so terribly sorry for the delay, this pathetic excuse for a chapter, my lack of writing. It's just, life's been crazy and I haven't had the time, energy or will to do anything resembling writing unless it was test answers. Im sorry and fair warning, it's probably gonna be a while before I update again.


"Honestly, with all that we cover for them, you'd think the Fantastic Four aren't even in the superhero business!" Percy yelled at Pietro as he passed him while hanging on to a Doombot that was wildly trying to shake him off its back.

The white haired teen laughed as he took down the bot he was up against. "You might have a point there. Tell Stark to bring that up to Richards during their next snark fest."

"You know, I might actually do that," Tony's voice came over the comms, amused by their conversation.

The conversation came to an abrupt end as Percy suddenly vaulted off the bot's back, landing beside Pietro just as the metal contraption exploded.

"That's seven for me, weren't you still on five?" He teased Pietro. "Try to keep up!"

"Oh, it is on."

And so they raced against each other, laughing and joking all the while. A silver blur and a hurricane crisscrossed the battlefield, perfectly complimenting each other in tactics, maneuverability and destruction.

The competition was close, Percy taking out 18 doombots and Pietro 17. Which, of course, prompted the latter to call out with a grin that the end of battle treat would be Percy's.

"Only if I get to choose the movie tonight." Percy was quick to respond. Since the other option would most likely have been a chick flick as part of Tony and Clint's insistence that they were a necessary part of Steve's "movication" (movie education) Pietro readily agreed.

The rest of the night was filled with the two of them first finding creative ways to fling popcorn at each other and then at the other inhabitants of the tower. An act which caused them to spend three hours crawling through vents after they dumped an entire bowl of the salty snack on Natasha's head with the help of Loki and Clint. To say the Black Widow was displeased was an understatement. They'd do it all over again if given half a chance.


Wanda stormed into the gym where Pietro and Percy were sparring. She pulled them apart using her telekinesis. "I'm bored, craving chips and ice cream and I need more outfits." She announced once she figured she had their attention. Pietro held his hands up in surrender from where he was suspended in the air as Wanda still had not seen fit to put them down yet.

"She's all yours Perce. You're her boyfriend."

Percy gulped at the look on Wanda's face, it meant hours of trying on clothes, at least ten shopping bags for him to hold and a day spent at various malls. He was so screwed.

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