Part 1

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This picture right above here is the necklace. Same colors same shape just imagine it on a small solid silver chain. You girls probably know what I mean lol.

I heard a knock on my door to my bedroom as my alarm clock went off signaling me that it was time to get up and get ready for another day at school.

"Marie it's time to get up." I heard my brother say as I groaned out loud because I didn't want to go to school.

"Five more minutes!" I yelled as I covered my head with my blanket to shield my eyes from the morning light coming through my window.

"You know I won't let that happen. Remember what happened last time you said that?" He said in amusement.

Oh I very well remember what happened last time. He decided to open the door and waltz right on in to my side of the bed and tickle me to death before I surrendered. Well that is not going to happen this time because I locked my door.

I could hear the doorknob start to juggle and heard a sigh of frustration come from the other side of the door. Ha ha ha serves him right. Like come on what if Im changing. But apparently he did not care because I heard the door open and his heavy feet steps going across my bedroom floor.

"You forgot the key that unlocks the doors in the house that was above your door frame." He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Fine I surrender." I said in a defeated voice. But only because I was afraid of what the price to pay might have been if I didn't.

"Good girl." He said as he patted the top of my head.

"What do I look like to you, a wolf?" I said bluntly.

"Well your hair sure does look like a wolf's matted fur." He said teasingly.

"Shut up Derek and get out of my room!" I said laughing while throwing a pillow at him as he retreated out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen.

I got up out of bed and made the sheets before I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower.

"Ahhh what a lovely smell." I came out smelling like fresh strawberries that were dipped in honey then put in sugar as a special topping. 'Why is that the first thing that came to mind and why so distinctive' I then brushed my teeth and my silvery-lavender hair. It's always been that color and no one ever knew why. I proceeded to walk over to my closet and pick out a white fitted blouse, a pair of pre-ripped high waisted shorts that had a washed look to them. And put on some white wedges, pulled my hair up into a perfect messy bun. I put on some makeup. Just some mascara, foundation, and nude colored lipstick. And for the final touch that I never leave my room without is my necklace that has three wolves on it. I always felt safe when I wore it.

"Marie your breakfast is getting cold!" I heard my mother call up from downstairs.

"Okay Im coming!" I yelled down as I quickly put on a pair of 4 matching earrings. Two for the bottom of my ear and two for the top of the ear. Then I darted out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

"You took long enough don't you think?" Derek said as he ate his pancakes.

"No, I took all the time I needed. And you shouldn't talk with your mouth full, it's disgusting and you'll never get a girl if you don't stop." I said to him as I sat down to eat my blueberry pancakes.

"So today is the last day of school before summer break and also the day before our trip to the Great Woods Lodge. Do you all have you're stuff packed?" My father asked with a raised eyebrow looking at Derek who had just put his plate in the sink.

"Yes. Well I mean at least mom and I did." I said laughing because we all know Derek probably forgot about the trip and didn't pack.

"For once I actually packed out of memory. So yes." Derek said as he through a strawberry at me when I wasn't looking but I caught it anyways.

"Nice try but I have eyes in the back of my head Derek." I teased as I ate the sweet tasting strawberry.

"Oh do you need a ride to school sis?" Derek asked. Which is dumb because he knew he always drives both of us to school. So I gave him a is-that-even-a-question-you-dummy look.

"Okay, okay. No need to glare." Derek said with his hands in the air like he had just insulted someone. So we both got in his car but not before getting a kiss from our mom.

So as we are in the car Derek asks out of no where a question I was hoping he would not ask.

"So what's up with you today. You seem a little off?" He asked. Sometimes I wonder how he picks up on the slightest problem there is with me.

"Well I actually don't know. I just feel different. But in a good way so no need to worry." I said honestly.

"Okay." He said in a unsure tone. But it was the honest truth. I told him exactly how I felt and what was up.

It's strange though. I never knew I had reflexes like I did in the kitchen with the strawberry. Cause once I caught it I felt a little different, as if something deep down inside me had changed or awakened. And why I could detect how I smelled so distinctively like strawberries, honey, and sugar.

Okay hope you all like this beginning of my new book The Secret Luna. Dont worry I have not forgotten about my other book. That will be updated as well as Im making this book. Let me know what you think by commenting. Thank you and love you.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now