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I honestly don't know how to say this properly to you, Bradley. I'm even too embarassed to give you this letter because I don't have the guts to tell you in person.

A young girl by the name of Lillian, sat in her bed, re-reading the letter she had written 2 years ago. She sighed as she folded the letter and placed it back on small envelope.

On the front of the envelope it only had two words on it: Bradley Simpson

The hyper-active, music loving guy she had admired ever since Elementary School.

She had always admired and adored him. But she never thought it would soon turn to love. She never thought she would fall in love with the dorky guy from her Elementary days.

In that letter contained her feelings and thoughts about him. Lillian was the shy type, she couldn't even talk to him without stuttering and to the point she's blushing super ultra red you would think she's gonna explode any second.

But that was when she was younger, once she got older, she barely stuttered anymore but still blushed a little whenever she was around Bradley.

She was supposed to give the letter to him years ago, but fate and life wasn't that nice to her that day, unfortunately.


A 16 year old Lillian was walking down the streets of their neighborhood looking for someone.

The person she was looking for was none other than Bradley Simpson.

She finally thought about it and decided to tell Bradley her feelings about him. Not through talking, but through the letter in the envelope she had placed in the pockets of her grey hoodie.

She practically searched everywhere their neighborhood. She first checked the flower shop of Bradley's mum, where he was often helping around but he wasn't there. She went to the small cafe nearby where he often hung out but he wasn't there also.

Then she realized there was one more place left for her to look, the playground.

The sun was still up in the sky but soon it would turn dark so she hurried back to the neighborhood and went to the playground.

As she came closer and closer, she felt nervous but also felt something else as well. She felt confident.

Lillian finally reached her destination and looked around the area. Near the slide, monkey bars. But none.

She didn't notice the old swings being shaded by the tree nearby immediately, though.

Someone was sitting on the swings while gazing up the sky. It was none other than the one and only Bradley Simpson.

Mustering all the courage she had, she walked towards him.

Bradley noticed her already and smiled at her as Lillian tried her best to hide her blush. He stood up and walked to the direction of Lillian.

"Hey Lillian!"

"H-hi Bradley."

Letters ♡ Bradley Simpson One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now