Chapter one: That terrible night of loss

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"Dear John,Dean and Sam, 

if you are reading this it means that I'm dead and Lucifer is back in his cage.

You remember what you guys promised me if I were to die right, that you'd 

take care of my little girl well here she is and I need you boys to keep your promise

 and raise her right.

You boys know what she is just keep her safe and make sure that Lawrence doesn't 

get to her and please tell her who and what she really is don't let her grow up 

thinking that she's human when she's not.

Can you do that for me please great thanks guys.

Love from hell Skyler"

Sam and Dean Winchester stared at their dad with anger and pain evident in their eyes, their hearts clenching with each heart beat.

John looked down at the little bundle in his arms as the baby looked at the three men staring down at her.

Her bottom lip started to quiver as small sharp sobs escaped her tiny little mouth," Dean can you please take Beth from me, Sam can you go inside the baby's bag and find her  bottle please?" John asked as Dean came to take Beth out of his fathers arms.

"Hey there sweetheart, ah come on now don't cry don't cry it's gonna be alright okay" Dean said in a whispered tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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Lucifer's daughter, the Winchesters's "sister"A Supernaural Fan-Fiction Where stories live. Discover now