Chapter 3

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~Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile & who love you no matter what.~


Snow's POV:
Moments like this this when I wish David didn't work at the Sheriff's station, wish that he didn't get any calls saying that one of the drains had overflowed and half the town was now flooded. I snuggled closer to the beige sheets that covered my bed, accepting the warn they brought me. Lulling me to the land of dreams where everything was perfect.

But I had to reject that tempting offer as being a mother came with responsibilities and one of them being having to take care of a wailing 11 month old baby who craved for attention at all times. So with a loud groan I swung my legs over the side of the bed, slipping a pair of baby blue flip flops on as I stood up. I made my way to the other side of the room looking for my robe, shivering on my way there at the sudden change in temperature.

"Hi there!" I said cheerfully as I walked into the nursery only to be stopped on my tracks at the sight of Henry standing next to the white crib, rocking baby Neal in his hands.

"Oh..? Henry" I said sounding somewhat startled, "did he wake you up?"

"What? Oh, don't worry, I was already up." He said as he averted his gaze towards Neal, handing him to me.

"So?" I asked once I had finished feeding Neal and put him in his crib once again.

"So...?" He replied sounding confused.

"Why were you up so early? I mean considering that it is a Saturday and you're a teenager."

"Ok first of all, not all teenager are lazy."

"Yes, well, we both know you're not in the 'not lazy teenagers' classification. You usually don't get up till noon on Saturdays and it's barely 9:00, so tell me. What's troubling you?"

He sighed, "It's just... I'm worried for mom."

"Emma?" I questioned as I poured some coffee into a cup. "Want some?"

"Uh, no thanks, and no it's not Emma."

"Regina? Why?" Truth was, I was also worried for Regina. I hadn't seen her for the past two weeks, but I never gave it much importance until after what Henry told me.

"Yeah, I hadn't seen her for the past two weeks so I decided to go visit her yesterday and have dinner with her. Thought that it would be nice. But when I went home she didn't open."

"Did you check in her vault? Office?" I asked as I took a sit in one of the stools that were next to him.
He nodded in return with a worried expression.

"Don't worry Henry, she probably went somewhere. Maybe with Robin."

"But what if she didn't? What if something happened to her?" He asked with glassy eyes.

"I'm sure nothing bad happened to her. Besides, she's a strong woman, but I'll check on her today if it makes you feel any better. Ok?"

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