Fandom Day!

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    It's fandom day! I'm going to be wearing a lot of colors today. Hopefully I'll feel ok enough to walk around all day in the park. You probably don't want to hear this because it's incredibly discussing but yesterday, or, today I threw up. 4 times. At 2 a.m. So I don't feel as amazing as I really should because omg it's my favorite day of the year! 1. It's fandom day and I get to celebrate all of my amazing cults- I mean books.
2. It's April fools day
3. It's also my half birthday! 🎉
So YAY! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 lots of excited events but sadly, I'm also leaving Universal studios today. Noooo! The rides were so much fun and with all the Harry Potter stuff I thought I was going to faint.

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