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I saw namjoon and Yoona walking together. I felt disappointment and pain looking at them. I felt a dagger on my chest stabbing me a 100 of times. Ive never felt this feeling before. My heart is raising and pumping twice. I feel like my mind is about to explode. I remember the things Yoona said. I feel horrible for what I did. As our lesson starts, I wasn't on myself. I have many thoughts on my mind. I have so many what if and what should. After the class, I went to the canteen with my buddies. I remain silent as namjoon walks behind me. He never steer knur talks to me. He is still mad from what I did. Everybody notice our cold relationship. After the school ended, I went to namjoons room to talk to him.

(Knock knock)

RAPMOON: please come in (playing piano tiles)

JUNGKOOK: Hey yhung! (soft voice) can we talk for a minute (looking down)

RAPMOON: what do you wanna talk about? (still playing on his phone)

JUNGKOOK: well, (sitting beside to namjoon) I wanna say sorry for what I did in school.

RAPMOON: So ..(cold voice) what are you tryin to tell me now.

JUNGKOOK: I would like to make it up to you and apologize for what I did.

RAPMOON: (sigh and closed his phone and looks at jungkook) you know what? (serious voice) You should not apologize, it is not I whom you did wrong. It is Yoona. She was the one who worked hard for our project. I didn't do anything. I just accompany her and give my ideas.

JUNGKOOK: im sorry.. (puppy eyes)

RAPMOON: yaaa..stop that! Uggghhh..anyway, if you really wanna make it up, start apologizing to Yoona and help us on our project if you don't mind.

JUNGKOOK: weee? Hyung... that's not easy you know. Yoona almost curse me to heal. I don't know if she will forgive me,

RAPMOON: will, that' s your problem for missing her around. So move. I'm goin' to sleep. (smiling)

JUNGKOOK: thanks hyung..(puppy eyes)

RAPMOON: don't thank me yet.. you haven't still do anything. (-.-)

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