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This is my new diary so maybe I should talk a little bit about myself before we start.
I am Zoe Smith and this is my story. I am unlovable and pansexual. I am in love with a girl named Lucy who is also gay but I am pretty sure she hates me. I am a crazed nerd that ships my friends together. No one likes me, I am freakishly tall. I have a weird obsession with dead baby jokes. I have chronic depression that I always hide with an empty smile. I am pagan, do wicca, and sometimes I hear voice and see carp (unimportant I think I am just going insane
). I have narcolepsy sleep insomnia and sleep paralysis. I was born a girl and am one most of the time but am gender fluent. I live in the Mormon state Utah. I suck as speaking German even though I am learning it. In have two cats at my house and me cat three dogs at my dad's. My parents are devorsed. I can't spell for shit. I want to die but I don't want to kill myself. I have constant anxiety and paranoia. I really need help.

If you want to hear dead baby jokes keep reading
Q: What's the hardest part about nailing a baby to a tree.
A: My dick.
Q: What is the difference between a jeep and a dead baby.
A: I don't have a pile of jeeps in my closet.

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