A Truthful Explenation

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Someone asked on a book I was reading, Why all good books end in 2014.

I would like to explain to you what happened.

This information may shock you,

It may disturb you,

It might give you nightmares for weeks.

But It is all the honest truth.

On December 24th The Apocalypse did happen, just as the Mayans expected. But not HOW they Expected. On December 24th an Extra Terrestrial species that live on Jupiter came to Earth and scowered the Internet for Incredable authors. They came across a Website for budding Readers and Authors it was called: Wattpad. The Jupitarians went through thousands of books and found the perfect people for the task they had in mind.They wanted to find the perfect authors to write of their Glory. But People Randomly going missing would cause to much suspicion. So They brought the dead back to life as a distraction. They weren't typical Zombies that you read about: These 'Zombies', if you could call them that, Were Highly intelligent and, admittidly, did want to eat brains. The first places they went to were Town, Villages and Cities near where they were buried, Cities like: London,Paris, New York, Ottowa,Cairo, Mexico City and Shanghai were the first to be attacked. Us Humans fought long and hard to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. But when The Jupiterians Were finished with their business they wiped the memory of all humans, Few escaped with the memories of what happened and those that were lost.

I am one of those few. Anyone Who Denies This Truthful Explenation Is only Irrational, One of the side effects of the mind wipe.

Not Many others will tell this truthfully those who do, I salute you for surviving what few knew about.

I must go, I have to stop World War 3 from happening.

~Future Maddi Simmons

From Friday 11th July 2025

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