Crimson (open) - SPECIAL

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Name: Crimson

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: She is similar to a soul reaper but also, resembles a demon

Ability: She is able to summon demon-like creatures and they listen to her will. She rarely uses this ability but when she does, it is not pretty.

Weapons: She has two lances that she always carries around. Rumor has it that her lances contain the souls of her enemies.

Personality: She is very straightforward and knows when to be serious. Despite that, she still enjoys having fun by playing with her enemies and getting on their nerves before she kills them in a way that she sees fit.

Appearance: Media

Sexuality: Bisexual (though she is not the type to be romantic)

Scenario: The Wilderness is a simulation, created to punish criminals. Even theives who haven't done much harm are sent here to rot and die. Those who are sent here are constantly hunted by creatures that no one is much aware about. Very few have survived and those who have are extremely skilled or have gone insane.

Upon arriving in The Wilderness, criminals are given a weapon of choice and a pack that contains food and water that will only last you about a week.

The Wilderness is operated by The Hunters...who are said to have access to the latest technology. Their equipment is constantly being updated so you never know what they will do to the Wilderness next.

You happen to be one of the criminals that board the subway train in year 201X. You pick your weapon and set out to survive. Who can you trust? How will you survive?

When you see that it is getting dark and you have, luckly, lived through the day, you climb a tree and quickly fall asleep. After a few hours, you wake up to some rustling. You decide to check out what is going on and when you turn to climb down, you come face to face Crimson. Her purple eyes in the dark and a tattoo on her neck tells you that she is one of The Hunters. What is she doing in the Wilderness? You realize that one of her lances is pointing at your neck. What do you do?

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