A Heated Cairo Night

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The heat of Cairo still lingered in the air. The residents that had lived there for most of their lives were use to it, other than you. You have lived in this city for about 5 years now and it only seems like yesterday since you moved in.

It was 7 in the evening and it only just became dusk. You was making your way down town, walking fast. You never did feel safe about this time especially if you was out alone. You looked up at the street lamps that were flickering to life, 'yep need to get back, lamps are on...' you thought to yourself, maybe you was a little bit too paranoid about the dark and the dangers that could follow it, but you'd rather be safe than sorry. You clutched the bag of groceries closer to your chest, trying to find some comfort in holding it, you remembered you had frozen yogurt in there that could burst at any moment so you loosened the grip on it. You turned the corner, 'Thank God that this was the end of my street' You peered down the pathway, glaring at the flickering bulb that has been threatening you for the past month. You casually made your way down, speeding up at the flickering lamp. You finally made it to your door, fumbling at your pocket for your keys you heard the subtle groan from behind you.

You turned slowly, eyes wide, and you saw before you was a slouching figure in the shadow of the light. It reached forward but quickly withdrew its hand as it almost made contact with the light. You took a few steps forward trying to make out what gender it actually was before opening my mouth to say something to it. It's eyes and hair made it looks rather feminine but his overall body structure said otherwise. You finally decided that he was indeed male. You made your way over to him and pulled his arm over your shoulders. He let out a soft sigh into your hair, he said slowly

"Thank you, miss." you smiled softly as you and him stumbled into your home.

You began to struggle with his weight after taking one step into the hallway. One arm had the groceries and him on the other, well he was more on your back now, the mysterious blonde. You flicked on the kitchen light and dumped the bag on the counter top. You made your way back out and into your own room, you allowed the blonde to slide from your side/back onto your bed. Then you went back out the room and you called to him as you left him alone.

"I'll only be a minute I have to sort out my groceries, then you'll have all of my attention" Half way through putting your groceries away, you began think of the mysterious blonde in the other room. For some reason he was half-naked and you could feel and smell the sea water dripping off of him. He was well toned too well from what you could tell.... You continued on, thinking about him and he (for some reason) began to grow on you. You shook of the thoughts that bag to stockpile in your head and went to fixing yourself a warm drink. You set the kettle on to boil and you went off to find a towel and medical kit. You knocked on your own door slowly, 'Why the fuck am I knocking at my own bedroom door. I should just walk in, this is my own house after all" you quietly argued to yourself in your head. You almost didn't hear the faint sound of his silk like voice say

"Come in" to you. You walked in slowly and saw his greek god like body glisten in the low moonlight. Thank god the room was surrounded in darkness, you could feel the whole of your face heat up. You heard a smirk come from the mysterious blonde, as if he knew how you were blushing.

"I got you something's you seemed pretty beat outside." You handed him the towel. You watched him sit up and begin to slowly dry his upper half "Why are you wet? The coast is 10 miles from here..." he shrugged as he put a hand through his hair.

"Beats me, sweetheart" he gave a lop sided smile to you, it made you melt slightly. He cocked his head slightly at the medical kit that you held in your hands, you chuckled slightly and made your way other to him. You looked him over, over them greek like muscles, and lifted his bangs. 'Funny, I could have sworn that he was bleeding a couple of minutes ago' you thought. You felt his hands on your hips and you shift uncomfortably. His eyes spark mischievously in the low light.

A Heated Cairo Night (Dio Brando x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now