Chapter 19

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*Next day*

Mollys POV

I woke up and took a shower then I got out I got dressed in my laziest outfit I had brought ( Picture above) I was only going to the hospital so I didn't need to get all dressed up just to sit there all day. When I was done getting dressed I left a note for my mom telling her where I was going. Since our hotel wasn't that far away from the hospital I walked. As I walked a couple of fans saw me so I stopped and took pictures with them. When I got done taking picture with everyone I left. When I got to the hospital I went to the room Justin was in I saw that he was wake so I walked up to him and barely hugged him then sat down.

"So how are you feeling?"I asked him as I sat down next to him.

"I'm doing okay I guess. The doctors said I get to leave Sunday. So that's good." He said looking at me.

"where your mom at?" I asked him looking around for her.

"She left like an hour ago. She had to go to work." He said rolling his eyes.

"Wait she left for work. You're kidding right?" I said looking at him.

"No she got her stuff and went to work." He said looking at the T.V.

"So let me get something straight. You got into a really bad car accident and have head trauma and you're mom's not here with you she's at work." I said getting pissed off

"Yup. I guess work is more important then me." He said looking down at his hands.

"Wow I can't believe her. You know she didn't even tell me you got in a car accident Uncle John did." I said looking at him.

"Yeah I heard. I told her the night the accident happened to call you but she didn't." He said looking at me.

"Its okay I'm here now that's all that matters." I said grabbing his hand.

*5 hours later*

"Hey Molly you can leave now I'm here." My aunt Debbie said waking me up

" No I'm good." I said sitting up on the couch.

"You should leave Molly I'll call you if I hear anything." She said walking over to me.

" No you won't. You didn't even call and tell me Josh got in a car accident. Uncle John told me. So no I'm not leaving sorry." I said getting up and sitting in the chair next to Josh.

Joshs POV

"Molly you need to leave right now." I heard my mom yell waking me up.

" I'm not leaving whether you like it or not." Molly yelled back

" Mom, Molly's not leaving and I don't care what you say. You didn't even call her when I told you to and then today you left me here all by myself so you could go to work. What if something would have happened to me? What if I would have died then what would you have done. You're lucky Molly showed up. If anyone here should leave its you not her." I said yelling at her.

"Josh the sooner you realize that you need me in your life the better off you will be." My mom said looking at me

"No I don't need you in my life. You only use me for my money that dad left me when he died. So you technically need me in your life because you wouldn't be no where if it wasn't for me. That brand new Jeep out there was paid for with my money, they clothes you're wearing now I paid for, that I phone 6s in your hand I paid for. So see mom I don't need you in my life you need me in yours." I said yelling at her again.

"Whatever Josh if you don't need me in your life then move out of my house." She said to me

"Um no because that's my house that I paid for and everything in it belongs to me too. So you can move out and I would love the keys to MY Jeep that you have. So hand them over." I said putting my hand out so she could put the keys in my hand.

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