Chapter 1

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          All credit goes to VanentinesDayGreen a great deviant writer

          "Come on..." I muttered under my breath, drumming my fingers against the floor as I listened to the men speak outside. At the moment I was sitting in a small, dark closet, ignoring the fact that there were probably hundreds of spiders and cockroaches in here with me as I waited for the men to finish their conversation. One of them high-strung and nervous, stuttering a bit and sounding overall agitated, while the other was cool and calm though his voice had a hint of impatience.

          Of course. Of COURSE I'd be in the one abandoned, condemned building where a drug exchange would take place. Why was I even surprised? I mean, I should be used to this by now.

          I sighed as I listened to them, growing more impatient. This wasn't the first time I'd had to hide in an old closet. It happened at the last building I'd stayed at, and at the place before that... But this one took the cake. The air was musty and stale, and I felt like I was breathing dust more than actual air. Even though I should be terrified of one of them opening the door since they were only a few feet away, I was more focused on where I should go next. After all, if this place had one drug deal happen, for all I knew it might be a secret hub for it. Best to avoid getting mixed up in that.

          Finally, their conversation mercifully ended and I could hear their footsteps fade in different directions, one heading for the stairs and the other deeper into the building. Probably the druggie, I figured, going to find a secluded room to enjoy a little bit of heaven. Based on his voice and high-strung manner, I'd say he'd been addicted to whatever it was for a while and had grown dependent on it. While that might make him dangerous depending on the drug, I could at least count on him being distracted for a while.

          Counting to one hundred, I flung open the door and stumbled outside, gasping in the still-musty but much more breathable air outside. "Next time I'm hiding in a bathroom stall," I grumbled to myself as I shielded my eyes from the sudden light. Walking to the nearest window, I leaned over to inhale the fresh air seeping through the gaps between the boards covering it, a small, rueful smile crossing my lips. "Oh, sweet oxygen, I missed you so."

         I giggled a bit at this little remark, and then fell silent. Okay, (Name), time to go over the situation. Let's see, Mr. Druggie went deeper inside the building. Knowing my luck, he'd be getting caught in an overdose soon, so I could probably ignore him. The drug dealer was the one to worry about. He'd probably be alert since being high can affect one's ability to do business, and given he now probably had a good amount of money on him from the exchange, he'd probably be more likely to attack.

          Okay, so he went to the stairwell that way, so... he'll probably leave from the back entrance. He probably won't hang around long, so I can just go upstairs to the nest and pack up my stuff, and leave after an hour or two—


          I gave a start at the sudden scream, my head snapping down the hallway towards the stairs. What... what was that? Heart pounding in my ears, I placed a hand over my chest to try to calm it as I strained to listen for more. Thumping and footsteps thundered below me, accompanied by another desperate scream. Blood running cold, I gulped before slowly walking to the stairwell, keeping my footsteps light and completely muted as I descended the steps.

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