Chapter 15

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      Sunlight beat down on the roof of the car as we drove along, the heat feeling like it was trying to boil us alive. Air blasted in my face from the vents, but even though the air conditioner was turned up all the way it felt more like it was just moving the already-present air around rather than blowing cooler air. The leather seats did not help matters, as they just absorbed the heat and sunlight to become even warmer, the sweat on my bare skin making them feel sticky and gross.

     To put it bluntly, I hated riding in this car. Shifting uncomfortably in my seat, I tried to roll down the window once again, but like before it didn't budge even a single millimeter. "Okay, this car is officially junk," I grumbled.

     "Agreed," Tim sighed, keeping his gaze on the road. "But we've got to put up with it for now until we can find some kind of town."

     "Doesn't your phone have a GPS built into it?"

     "It does, but apparently I turned it off, and I'm not too keen turning it back on in this situation."

     "Of course you aren't," I grumbled, glancing out the window sullenly. An hour had passed since we'd woken up with no memory of anything that happened, and so far we were just driving around aimlessly trying to figure out where the heck we were. Trees and fields surrounded us on either side, the lone stretch of road we were on stretching ahead of us as far as the eye could see. Road signs were also conspicuously absent, offering no answers to where we were. All we could do was keep driving in this moving oven.

     "Speaking of phones," Tim said, breaking me from my thoughts, "Did you crack yours yet?"

     "Oh, I wish." Rolling my eyes, I shot a disgusted look at what was apparently my cell phone as it rested on the dashboard. So far I had tried every password I could think of: my birthday, my birth year, 1-2-3-4, 0-0-0-0... Literally everything that came to mind, even random numbers. The result? "I'm locked out."

     "Should've figured," Tim muttered, and sighed. "Today's just not our lucky day, huh?" A sudden urge to laugh hit me at his words, forcing me to bite my lip before the first snort could escape.

     Luck. It always came down to that for me, didn't it? I'd had some awful days, but this? This took the cake. Even my first encounter with Hoody felt trivial compared to today, and we'd only been awake for an hour. Smirking ruefully, I just turned my head and looked out the window, watching the unfamiliar scenery roll by. Then something caught my eye in the distance.

     "Hey, I think there's a sign over there!" I exclaimed, bolting upright in my seat. Startled by my outburst, Tim quickly changed gear and slowed the car a bit as we approached it. Sure enough, there was a large sign planted off the side of the road, hidden in a mess of bushes. Ivy and leaves obscured the sign's message, the paint faded and hard to read, but even so I could still make out large, bold letters.


     "Ashton," Tim murmured as he squinted at the sign. "I think I recognize that name..."

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