Rare Occasion

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Well I walk into this field unknown to me. Bodies all in piles and they're decomposing by the second, collapsing in on themselves. I don't know what to think, should I be scared? Should I be sad? I continue on, careful not to step on the bodies around me.
I come to a pile in the center, this pile bigger and filled with newer looking bodies. A spot in the bodies catches my eye. A white familiar face, pale and soft. I touch the face for some odd reason. The eyes fly open and I jump back a bit. Then I pause and realize something.
A place in the bodies moves and a small white hand emerges pointing directly at me. The face spoke.
"You, I...I know you." The voice scratchy, and cracking.
I bend down, wondering if this girl is who I think she is. "What's your name?" I ask trying to make sure I'm right.
"I...," She thought on this for a moment."My name's Tara."
My heart stops beating for a moment.
Then with some sort of jolt, she yells "Kasper!!"
"Yes, I'm Kasper. Tara, do you know how you know me?"
She paused and gave me an odd glance, then her eyes widened. "You're...," her hand dropped. "My husband..."
All emotions left my body, except one in particular. Love. A tear starts to billow up in my eye. I wipe it away and smile. "Heh, that's right, I'm your husband."
I stand up and grab her arm. I start to pull and she gives me a deep blank stare.
"Hon, what are you doing?"
"I'm getting you out of here."
"You can't."
I stare at her. Not knowing what to say.
"I belong here." she says sullenly
"But you did nothing wrong.."

"Then it ends?"
"Yeah." I sit up, re-situating myself on the couch in Dr. Geer's office. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it up and see Jessica had texted me I smirk at the text.
"What makes you such a ladies man?" Geer asked sitting back in the position to write my answer.
"I wouldn't call myself that," I say with confidence. "I just know how to talk to women."
"Interesting, because I'm sure my receptionist and the two other female patients in my waiting room would disagree."
I shrug my shoulders. He chuckles and stands up. "That's all for today, Kasper."
I stand up and grab my bag from the side of the couch. "Thanks doctor." I shake his hand and step out into the hallway. One of the patients that I had talked to earlier, Olivia, hurried up to me.
"Hello. Kasper," She visibly blushes and turns away for a moment. Then turns back. "You're cute," She stops again smiling slightly "Maybe, do you think we could go out sometime, maybe talk about that job opportunity you know about?"
I laugh lightly and nod. She hands off her number.

I stride out to the street and climb into my car, and turn over the engine. It struggled starting at first and jumped to life. "Tara would have yelled at me if she knew I my car was like this." I say to myself, chuckling pulling out of my parking spot. I take my car to the caf about four blocks from the psychologist's office. I fix my rear-view mirror again, making it match my other pieces in my interior. Then hop out of my car.
Stepping up onto the curb, I see Genevieve, an old friend, she's in her small gray blouse showing off a bit of her stomach, and dark blue skinny jeans her usual Thursday attire, her brown curly locks drape over her shoulder. She waves to me and smiles politely. I approach the counter and order my favorite beverage, a tall cappuccino with just enough cream to make pictures with. I take my cappuccino back to my usual table and stare out across the street as my coffee cools. The bus is running its usual route, cyclers are riding by laughing and chatting at each other's jokes, even a couple is across the street, holding each other close as they kiss and probably get some tongue action. I chuckle to myself when Genevieve comes into view.
"Hey, stranger." she says as she sets her Chai Tea on the table.
"Get that weak stuff you call tea, out of my sight." I say with a scoff.
"Hush up you sour-puss." she says punching me on the shoulder.
We laugh as we chat about what we have done since we saw each other last Thursday. "I haven't been able to look at a Solo cup since." I say with a laugh. Genevieve was laughing so hard she spurted some tea out of her nose. After she wiped up the tea all over the table, she sat back down and asked.
"Do you think about Tara anymore?" She says with a concerned yet interested look. I pause and shake my head slightly.
"On occasion. I am a busy man, you know." I sneer at her and laugh.
"I'm sure," She said back including an obscene gesture, which I care not to state what. "But I doubt even a busy man is heartless towards his dead spouse."
"I do think about her, Genevieve." I say with a sigh. "Right now bouncing around is good for me. I'm staying healthy you know?"
"Yeah, mean things happen for a reason right?"
"I guess so."
She sighs quietly and pulls out her phone, brushing her brown locks out of the screen, she jumps up. "Holy... I gotta go Kasper. See you later!" She runs out to the edge of the road and sticks out her hand to hail a cab. I finish off my cappuccino, and head to my car.
I end up at my house. Free tonight, that's a rare occasion. I chuckle to myself as I change into my plaid pajama pants and white t-shirt. I flick on the light to my small bedroom, my queen sized bed in the corner with my old Batman lamp and my pile of books next to it. I fall into my bed and stare up at the ceiling, only to see all the same designs and cracks in the ceiling above me, the ones I've stared at for years now, comforting me when I couldn't fall asleep. I used to lay here and call one of the designs Kasper and call the other Tara. Both of us were on different sides of the cracks. To be apart from now on. Always too far to touch. "Why did God take you away from me?" I ask Tara, not expecting an answer. "I know you probably would hate me now because I hop around with women. But you know I don't know what to do." I sigh and roll over, staring out the window to Clyde street. Then to find myself plunged back into the dream.
I'm still holding onto Tara's arm when I said what I said last. "But you did nothing wrong.."
She stared up at me and made a face of distress. "I did. I married the wrong man."
"Me?" I asked back, most definitely about to hear her say yes.
"Yes." she said with a tear in her eye. "If you were to be my true love, Kasper. I would have died, knowing you were my true love. But when I got to this place, I got to see what I fulfilled in life, the True Love category wasn't filled." She held my hand in hers and rubbed my thumb. "I came here because I chose the wrong paths. College was a mess. You still have a chance to save yourself, Kasper." I can still hear the bodies from before, decomposing but they sound different now, now the bodies sound like sticks being stepped on out in the woods. I turn around to face a taller eight foot tall figure in full black. I stop in utter fear and my jaw falls open.

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