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It had been a week since Ed kissed Olivia. They had talked and of course he came to her ofice busting her balls about amaro and Rollins being pregnant. But she actually like seeing his face.
They had planed a couple dates but some how they all got canceled do to their jobs. But neither of them minded.

Olivia was in her ofice when she saw Ed tucker a smile came across her face. As he nicked on the door she got even happier she stood up and walked around her desk to open the door as she opens the door she snapped "what to you want tucker"
"To talk to you're smart ass" he replied
"My office" Olivia said as she stepped in her offic.
As they walked in she smiled and turned around rapping her arms around his neck he put his arms around her waste.
"Did I mention I needed to see you're sexy face" tucker asked as he kissed his lips .
Olivia loughed " I don't believe so"
She kissed him.
Ed pulled away "do you want to go to dinner? Me you and my little man Noah? You have no clue how much I have missed him lib" tucker said as he pushe her against her desk.
"Oh is Ed tucker getting a soft spot for kids" Olivia teased
"Yes I am." Ed said as he loughed " I am also getting a soft spot for a hot svu lieutenant " he said as he looked in her brown eyes.
"Oh really....well I have the hots for a hot IAB detective" she whispered "yes Noah and I will go to dinner with you" she smiled as he ruined her back.
"Okay great. I will see u at 6:00 at you're place"
He kissed her
"Okay" Olivia said as he walked out
6:00 pm
Olivia had just put Noah's shoes on when there was a nock at the door.. She opened the door to see Ed tucker standing smiling."what's got you smiling" she asked as they walke in her apartment
"Oh you know that hot svu lutenient I was telling you about well I am going to dinner with her" he loughed and rapped his arms around her and kissed her.
"Well she is one lucky cop" Olivia loughed and picked Noah up
"Hi biddy how is my little man doing" tucker asked as he took Noah from Olivia . Noah loughed and played with his car
"Okay I am ready lets go " Olivia said as she grabbed Noah's diaper bag and her phone and keys.

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