The Man Who Fell to Earth

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           Evie took another sip of her coffee and stared at the paperwork in front of her. What was she doing? She asked herself that every boring day sitting in this office. She worked at an office for an electric company that was practically in the middle of nowhere. It was to the point where they had to stay in tiny sleeping quarters for weeks at a time because "it was wasting company gas to drive back into town every day." Evie rolled her eyes and tapped her pencil on the desk.
          "Evie is that paper work done yet?" Her coworker, Stan, yelled from the other room.
          "Almost!" She yelled back.
          "WOAH! Did you see that?" He yelled excitedly.
           "No what was it?" Evie asked. Stan tended to get over excited about everything so it was probably just some cool looking bug that buzzed by his head. Evie found him annoying but not as annoying as the only other people that stayed at the office during their monthly shifts.
             "Come here a second!" He urged. Evie sighed and stood up, making her way to his cubicle. There was Evie, Stan, Tabitha, Ellie and James that worked on the shifts together and through the long boring months they all got to know each other pretty well. A little too well like a friend who spent one too many nights at your house and you just wish would go home already.
           "What is it Stan, I have paperwork to do." Evie grumbled.          
           "Look, look!" He said pointing at the sky. Evie looked and saw something pretty big falling out of the sky, towards the lake behind the office a ways.
           "What the hell." James said, wheeling up behind them in his wheel chair. "What is that thing?" He asked.
          "I have no clue!" Evie said actually feeling anxious. A thing that looked like the size of a small car fell into the lake, sending huge geysers of water shooting up into the air.
          "Who wants to go check it out?" Stan enthused.
          "If I could get up and walk out of this place I'd never come back." James said, jokingly.
          "Evie I'll finish your paper work if you'll go check." Stan said.
          "Deal!" Evie shouted, excited to get away from the office. She made her way to the door. Once outside, the chilly wind hit her giving her chills. "Should've brought a coat." She thought. It took nearly ten minutes to reach the bottom of the hill leading to the lake. She looked up at the top thinking of how long it would take her to climb to the top. She strained her eyes thinking she saw something coming down the hill. It was a person. "I'll just wait here then and see if he saw it." She thought.
          She stood at the bottom, scuffing the toe of her high heels in the dirt. The man stumbled slowly down the hill and Evie started to get impatient. She tried not to seem suspicious as she stared trying to see if she knew the person. He had on a long coat with the hood on and a dark pants but that's all she could see. She heard him grunt and groan as he slid down the hill and looked at the ground smiling. "He must be a city boy." Evie giggled.
         Sometimes some person from the city who was mad that their electricity went out for two seconds would come storming into the office, in expensive clothing and jewels, sweating and mad from their long hike. He finally made it to the bottom, breathing heavily and staring nervously at Evie. "Um hello." Evie said. He looked at her and continued walking. She trotted after him. "Hey wait up!" Evie called. He slowed a little looking behind him. "Are you looking for the electric company perchance?" Evie asked.
             "No." He said continuing to walk.
              "Oh well um... Did you see what happened up there?" She asked. He kept walking. She jogged after him. "Hey slow down just a second." She gently grabbed his arm, making him stop. He was soaking wet. "Woah I guess you must have been right by the lake when that thing fell in huh?" She smiled. He looked up, with a blank stare and Evie could barely keep her mouth closed when she saw his face. He was beautiful! His skin was a very pale, almost white color and he had beautiful mid length red hair that gently blew in the breeze. One of his eyes were bright blue and the other looked brown but upon closer inspection she could see that one of his pupils were enlarged just making it seem brown. He looked so young like maybe early to mid twenties, maybe older she couldn't tell.
            Evie was only twenty two but had always been very motherly and caring towards people and she could tell the man was very nervous about something and she wanted to help. "Do you know the way into town?" He asked with an extremely strong British accent. Even his voice was beautiful, Evie thought.
              "I do but it's a very long way. We also don't have any vehicles, the transportation left a week ago and won't be back for another week but I suppose I could walk you there." Evie said feeling a little worried that that might get her fired. But it didn't matter, she wasn't even fond of this job.
            "Okay." The man responded quietly. Evie knew she should stay here and just let the man go but she had the gut feeling, that motherly feeling that this young man needed help and she wanted to help him. "Come with me really quick to let the office know I'm leaving." She said. He didn't respond, just stared at the ground. Evie gently brushed a lock of wet hair from his eyes like he was her child and he jerked his head up. "Oh sorry!" Evie said wondering why he was so jumpy. Maybe whatever that was up there scared him, she thought, she would ask him once they started for town. He followed her to the office quietly. "Yo Stan!" Evie yelled, "Don't know what it was but I have a man out here needing assistance into town so I'll see you later." She yelled. Stan came into the room,
              "Evie! You know that will take the whole rest of the day to get there right, you'll definitely not be back until tomorrow." He said looking concerned.
              "I know! I'll be back when I am." Evie joked, patting him on the back as she started back outside.
              "You could get fired!" He hollered out the door.
              "Good!" Evie yelled back, laughing as James wheeled to the door, shoving Stan out of the way to see what was going on. "Let's go man." She said, hooking her arm around his and heading for the dirt road. Once out of sight, she let go of him and slowly walked along beside him. "So what happened up there?" She asked.
              "I didn't see it, I only saw the water." He responded quietly.
              "You sure felt the water too didn't you?" She laughed. He didn't even break a smile. "That's all though? You didn't hear anything before it hit the water?"
              "No." He said shortly. Evie sighed.
               "Well you must have seen something to make you this upset." Evie said.
               "I'm not upset." He glanced at her.
               "Well you're... Quiet." Evie said.
                "It's not that." He responded, his accent strong.
                "Then what is it?" She asked.    
                "You wouldn't understand." He said. Evie didn't want to bother him but she felt like he needed to talk.
               "I'm sure I would." She said. They had been walking for about thirty minutes and Evie was already tired. "So what are we looking for exactly?" She asked.
              "I need to sell this." He said holding up a ring.
             "What?!" Evie slammed to a stop. "If you needed money I could've given it to you back there!" She yelled.
             "You wouldn't have had enough." He said quietly.
            "How much do you need exactly?" Evie sighed.
            "More then you'll ever have." He said. Evie rolled her eyes, feeling like she needed to go with him anyways.
            "Well let's go." Evie said. They kept walking. "Wait what's your name?" She asked. "I'm Evie by the way."
           "Thomas Newton." He responded simply.
           "Can I call you Tommy?" Evie smiled. He shook his head yes and slipped his hood off. Evie stared at his beautiful red hair, wanting to brush the tangles out like he was her child but she didn't want him to think she was trying to get with him. They walked for another half hour before stopping on a bridge to rest. Evie stared out at the water. The sun was starting to set and the sky was beautiful. She looked to see if Tommy was looking at it too but he just stood leaned against the bridge with his hands over his face. "Hey, what's wrong?" Evie asked. "It wasn't what you saw today was it?" She asked, gently rubbing his back.
           "No I told you it wasn't." He responded.
          "Okay I believe you." She said. He turned to cross the road into the town and Evie quickly grabbed him, pulling him close as a car sped by. "Geez, look both ways first!" She scolded. He looked at her like a frightened child. "Sorry that just scared me." She said giggling. They crossed the road and made their way into town. "I know of a jewelry store not far from here that would probably buy your ring." Evie said. They passed a drunk man, who yelled at Tommy and Evie and Evie felt him shrink behind her. They passed carnival rides and fast cars whizzed past them and Evie felt Tommy squeeze even closer to her. "You've never been anywhere like this have you?" Evie giggled but she noticed Tommy looked even paler then usual. "Hey it's okay, it's not as crazy as it looks. It's just some people." She smiled. He didn't look too convinced but followed her closely. "LOOK!" Evie screamed as she pointed. "We're here." She said laughing at how badly she'd scared him. "Sweetie you're gonna have to lighten up it doesn't get any better around here."
            She smiled at him as she led him to the store front. "Damn it's closed." She said seeing the closed sign hanging on the door. Tommy took off his coat and laid down on the bench in front of the store. "What are you doing?" Evie asked.
            "Going to sleep. It's getting dark." He said.
             "Not here! I can't sleep here." Evie said. He just closed his eyes ignoring her. "Ugh whatever." She sat down on the ground beside the bench and leaned against the wall closing her eyes. She turned her head looking at Tommy who seemed to already be asleep. His pale skin practically glowed in the setting sun and his face was so beautiful and calm in sleep. He was so much like an innocent child, he knew nothing about this place and she felt like she needed to mother him or at least get him where he needed to go.
              She wanted to brush his hair out of his face but he seemed to think it was a little weird earlier so she just watched him breathe calmly before her eyes finally closed and she also fell asleep.

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