Chandler Has a Twin?!

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     Rachel, Ross, Chandler, Monica, Pheobe and  I sat in Central Perk sipping our coffee quietly. We had all become so close over 5 years that we were typically comfortable in silence and it wasn't awkward. After a few minutes, my best friend and roommate Chandler spoke up.

     "So guys my twin sister is visiting next week an-"

     "Woah woah woah!" I interrupted gesturing for him to pause. "Twin?" I don't remember Chandler saying anything about a twin.  "Yeah come on Chandler! You never said anything about having a twin sister." Rachel added. We all nodded in agreement looking to Chandler for an explanation.
     He looked back at us with disbelief, "Yes I have!" Ross laughed and replied, " Uhh no you haven't!" He looked around at us laughing breathily.

       Chandler put his head in his hands, " Why would I keep my twin sister a secret from you guys?" his mouth gaped slightly. Pheobe chuckled and leaned back on the couch, " Well if your twin is anything like mine..." she said rolling her eyes. Pheobe and her twin sister Ursula never got along and barely speak.

     "First of all my sister and I get along fine" Chandler started looking at Pheobe "Second, she was going to visit for Christmas and New Years but Dad guilt tripped her into staying with him and his.....partner instead. You guys should remember this." Chandler said defeated. We all looked at each other knowingly. Oh yeah.... "Sorry buddy" I said smiling apologetically.

      "Wow I ...really am lucky to have such good friends that..." he paused and looked down. Then looked back up jokingly angry ," know me so well." I kinda felt bad for forgetting about his sister, but come on, we've never even met her.  Monica laughed softly," Aww we're sorry sweetie." Ross continued for Mon, " Yeah, so you say she's visiting?" Chandler sighed and smiled slightly, " Yeah she's coming next week and she's kinda shy so I would really appreciate it if you guys would go easy on her." He asked squinting his eyes hopefully. Rachel reached over and patted  his knee assuringly, " Sure honey, don't worry about it. We'll play nice." she said smiling playfully.

      "Thank you." Chandler said nodding gratefully. "Okay so are guys aware that I also own a cat named Princess Fluffy?" Chandler joked.

       The Day Chandler's Twin Arrives

We were all hanging out at Rachel and Monica's apartment. Monica had made a ton of food and cleaned the entire apartment at least 5 times. We were sitting in the living just talking. Chandler was awfully quiet and kept fidgeting. Ross looked at him concerned," Hey buddy you okay?" Everyone's attention turned to Chandler.

" Yeah it's just..." He subconsciously rubbed his hands on his thighs nervously." I haven't seen her since before I left for college, I mean it's one thing sending the occasional Christmas card but..." He paused at a loss for words. Rachel leaned her head on his shoulder comfortingly. "Chandler everything will be fine." Monica smiling comfortingly. "Yeah I know...I just don't even remember what she looks like or what's going on in her life." Chandler looked down sadly. "Buddy lighten up. Come on, we'll wait for her on the balcony." I offered motioning towards the terrace with my hand.

He nodded got up and started towards the terrace. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Chandler looked at me wide-eyed and ran towards the door excitedly. He opened the door and automatically pulled his sister into a tight hug. "Chandler!" I heard a female voice exclaim. Her face wasn't visible because Chandler was blocking her. She must be short. He moved away from her and motioned his arms in a presenting way. "Everybody, this is Chelsea." He said smiling.

Oh my god! She looked....rough. She was wearing baggy sweatpants and a stained T-shirt. Her hair was in a very messy ponytail and she was wearing some black rectangle shaped glasses....but worst of all....NO MAKE UP! I smiled awkwardly. Rachel and Monica happily approached her and lead her over to the couch asking about her trip.

I walked over to Ross and whispered. "Oh my god! Did she just get out of a tornado?" Ross looked at me disapprovingly," Come on Joey, give the girl a break. She was just on a plane for 6 hours." He sighed and walked away to join the others. I hesitantly followed.

Chelsea was sat next to Chandler on the couch with Pheobe on the other side of her. The others were all crouched on the floor in front of her looking up at her curiously. They looked like little kids about to hear the best bedtime story ever.

I stood behind the couch and placed my hands on the back so I could put some of my weight on the couch and listened to their conversation.

"Was the plane nice?" Rachel asked smiling. Chelsea hesitated s bit before choking out,"Umm yeah " quietly. There was a bit of awkwardness. Come on lady give us something. Has she never had a conversation before? "Well what's the airport where you're from like?" Ross asked, making another attempt to start a conversation. "Uh I guess just your typical airport." She said slowly.

This girl is dull. "Now where are you from again?" Pheobe asked. I knew that she knew where Chandler was from. She was just trying to start a conversation. "New Hampshire" she mumbled. Everyone looked so defeated and frustrated at their attempts to get to know her. We suffered an awkward silence once again until Chandler spoke up. "You must be tired, why don't you go to my apartment and shower, unpack a little bit and rest up okay?" She smiled and agreed. Chandler had arranged for her to sleep in his room while we shared my room.

As she left she turned back and said a simple "Goodnight" before leaving. After watching her walk out I turned back to everybody ," Oh my god." I said frustratingly. "Joey come on!" Monica scolded. "What? She said like 5 words since she got here. I mean I know you said she was shy but come on..." I complained. "Yeah I know." Chandler said disappointed. "I'm sorry guys but just give her a chance, she's a really sweet girl you just have to warm up to her first." I groaned. Getting to know someone shouldn't be a chore.

After talking about various subjects for about another half hour, me an Chandler decided to go back to the apartment and get some rest.

Once we walked back in the door Chandler started walking towards his room,"I'm just going to check on her real quick." He stated calmly. Chandler seemed really protective and caring towards this girl. It was somewhat sweet. I followed him and peered in his bedroom.

She was curled up under Chandler's sheets and was sound asleep. Chandler walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He softly stroked her hair and watched her breath peacefully. I couldn't help but smile. Although, I wonder why they're relationship is so special. I mean I'm very protective over my sisters but our relationship isn't as...personal as theirs. And Pheobe can't stand Ursula. Ross and Monica care about each other but would never show it. And Rachel and her sisters are so different and act more likes school friends than sisters. I wonder what makes Chandler and Chelsea so different?

He was just so nervous about seeing her again, and he wanted to make 100% sure that we would be considerate of her shyness. He never said anything about them fighting growing up. He was protective and acted more like her father than her brother sometimes. In the short 30 minutes that I've seen them together, he seems more comfortable with her than anybody else.

Chandler bent down and lightly kissed her forehead and quietly left the room. I softly closed the door behind us as we left.

"Hey uh Chandler..." I started unsure of what I was gonna say," How come you and your sister's relationship is so...different?" I played with hands feeling awkward. We rarely have serious talks like this. He laughed softly as he entered my room. "What do you mean?"he asked. I followed awkwardly trying to find my words," Well...its just you guys have a very different relationship than me and my sisters or Ross and Monica" I explained.

Chandler's smile slowly faded,"Oh. Uh....well...."

(A/N: Hope this is okay. I tried to add a tiny bit of suspense to the first chapter so you guys would actually want to read. Hopefully I did okay. :) Tell me how you like the story so far and thanks for reading!)

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