Chapter Nine

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Luke sat on the back of the ambulance quietly while sipping a hot chocolate. He still couldn't accept the fact that Trent was missing and that he had killed a person for the first time in his life. Jayden sat beside him, "It's gonna be alright." He said as he ruffled his hair.

"I've killed a person." Luke sulked. "I've killed a guy using my super powers."

"Luke, you didn't." He said.

"Yes Jayden! I DID!" Luke yelled, his hot tears coming out from his eyes and then the mug that he was holding suddenly broke into pieces. Jayden flinched for he was startled by his aggressive reaction. "I DID KILL A FUCKIN' PERSON WITH THIS GODDAMN POWERS! AND DID IT HELP TO FIND OUT WHERE UNCLE TRENT IS?! NO!!!"


And before Jayden could say anything, Luke ran off. Jayden tried to follow him but William stopped him and told him to let him clear his mind.

Luke ran and ran until then he felt weak. He looked at his hands and saw that his veins were popping out on his skin. He looked to his left side and saw a meteor rock. He got it and lied down on the concrete road and placed it on his chest, wishing that he would be dead by now. He felt bad for killing a person and for not finding out where his Uncle Trent is. He wished that he was normal... That he doesn't have this kind of powers.

"Luke!" William shouted as he saw him lying on the concrete road with a meteor rock on his chest and his veins were becoming visible on his skin and he was sweating cold. He quickly ran up to him and removed the rock on him and helped him stood up. "ARE YOU FUCKIN' INSANE?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF?!"


"Luke, you did not! And do you think Trent would be happy if you killed yourself?! Think about your mom! Do you think she would be happy if she knew that you committed a suicide?!" William spat back as he shook his shoulders. "Whatever you are, you are still the Luke Hopkins that The Collective took into their home and was loved and cared for! WE DON'T FUCKIN' CARE IF YOU HAVE A SUPER STRENGTH OR SHIT LIKE THAT! What we care about the most is your welfare because you mean a lot to us!" Then Luke saw Jayden and Zach behind William and like him, their faces were filled with a worried expression.

They went back to the crime scene and they were told by the police that they need to transfer houses first so that if ever the accomplices of the five thieves come back, they wouldn't be there and wouldn't be hurt. They immediately packed their stuff and loaded them in their white van.

"But what bothers me the most is that they didn't take anything. It's like they just burst in to attack us." Zach said while driving.

"They're after us, The Collective." Jayden said.

"NO." Luke said. "They're after all of US. Including me." Jayden looked at him and ruffled his hair and hugged him tight, "Everything's gonna be alright Luke. We will find Trent." He stated and deep inside Luke hoped that they would find Trent soon.

"Will, where are we going?" Zach asked.

"You're the one who's driving then you don't know where we are going?!" William asked. "Are you serious?!"

"Look, how am I supposed to know?! You tossed the car keys towards me and just told me to drive!" He said and William just facepalmed himself. "Just drive to a hotel, mate. We'll stay there for this day." William said.


The cold water splashed Trent's face as he opened his brown eyes. His porcelain skin covered with red and purple bruises ached as the water hit his skin.

"We've been asking you all day about Luke Hopkins but you are still refusing to answer us!" The guy said.

"What is it about my nephew that makes you interested in him?! He's just my nephew! He's just an ordinary kid! His mother left him to me a few days ago!" Trent replied. "Why? Because his parents are having some problems with each other and they don't want him to be caught up in between their misunderstanding! Now, I told you who my nephew really is... Set me free!"

The other guy turned to the other one, "Dude, maybe he's telling the truth. He keeps on saying the same thing over and over again." He said. "I think we should call Master."

"Alright." The other one replied and then they left. Little did they know that Trent was already thinking of a plan how to escape from that building.


"Luke, the three of us are gonna be sharing this room for now, okay? Tomorrow, we're gonna drive to Uncle Will's house and stay there for a while." Jayden informed Luke who was sitting silently on Trent's red beanbag. He had insisted on bringing it because it was the only thing that reminded him of Trent.

"I miss Uncle Trent." Luke blurted out and Julian and Jayden looked at each other and then at him. Jayden crouched down in front of him, "Don't worry; We'll find him soon." He said.

"Yeah and besides, Trent's a strong man. He would never let anything bad happen to himself... I mean just look at those muscles!" Julian said and Luke smiled at him. "See? I made you smile! Come here dude!" And then Luke went on the bed and sat beside Julian. "He'll be alright." Then he patted his head and hugged him. "Wash up now, okay?" And Luke nodded as he got his towel and clean clothes.

After he took a bath and changed into his house clothes, he played Xbox with Julian and Jayden but it didn't made him forget what happened today. Suddenly, Luke felt a throbbing pain in his ears.

"Are you alright?" Jayden asked.

"My ears..." Luke said as he dropped the game controller and covered his ears. "My ears hurt!!!"

"Oh no! Your ears are bleeding!" Julian said.

"I'll call for a doctor." Jayden said as went to the corner of the room and dialled on his phone.

William and Zach came in and saw Luke, with his ears bleeding. "Luke! What's happening?!" William asked him with a concerned tone in his voice as he rushed to his side. "I-It's too loud! Too loud!" Luke cried and then suddenly he heard a beating... More like a heartbeat... And a gasping of breath... And then he heard voices.

"I told you! That's all I can tell about my nephew! That's all I know about him!"

"You're lying! Master was right. We still have to keep you in here because you are lying!"

"You cunts are gonna pay for this once I get out of here!"

"That is if you're still gonna make it out of here alive."

** Thwaaakkkk!!!** (A/N: Sound of punch)

"NOOOOOOO!!! DON'T UNCLE TRENT!!! DON'T HURT MY UNCLE!!!" Luke cried hysterically and they all turned to him with a concerned look on their faces. "Uncle Will, Uncle Trent needs our help!"

"We will help him Luke but we don't even know where he is!" William said.


"Whoa! Watch it there mate! You've just been here for a couple of days! You know nothing about this place! And what if someone out there finds out about your powers?!" Zach said. "Luke, I understand where you are coming from but at this moment, we have to have our brains working instead of our emotions! We have to think first before we act!" Luke just turned his back and continued to walk towards the door but William put his hand on his shoulder, "Luke, just stay here. Your ears are bleeding!" He said.

"I'M FINE!!! LET ME GO!" Luke said as he removed William's hand from his shoulder and pushed him far across the room. He was startled but then he realized that he still have to save Trent and with a blink of an eye, he was gone.

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