Explaining why

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(This is for both girl expect Hannah was at a play and Zoie was at a musical)

 My parents didnt want to sent me 2,224ish miles away. Heres how it happened I told them I want to be an actress. I got the lead role in a play at the play there was a talent scott from the school The Academy For The Future Of Musical and Film Entertainment. Who expected anyone with great potential.  He informed my parents I had great potential and was offering a full scholarship me. And a  new clothing,books,movies,shoes,make-up, and pretty much anything else I wanted. They only offered something like this every 5 years to 2 people.

 My parents knew how bad I wanted to be an actress. They were told the campes was protected around the clock and nothing bad ever happened there. Also that I will have a roommate my age and gender and someone who was going to be sure i wasn't getting into any trouble and daily updates on me. Lastly they would pay for me to visit home and I had the most  potential he had ever seen.

 My parents didnt want me to go still but they couldn't bear the fact that if they said no they were crushing my dreams. I promised to call them whenever I could. They said if it was what I really wanted and I said it was. They said yes but if I ever wanted to come home I could. I was to leave  on March 5 at 5am they were picking me up at my current school due to the fact the other girl went there to and lived a ways away form me.

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