Two Phrases

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They say life is like a paper crane. We all get generated, almost equal, some of us made with different materials, put with different backgrounds. We go through life, some of us become for let down then others, some of us preserved, the rest of us crushed and rebuilt. But there comes a time when we all burn out on day. After living that full life we always dreamed we would get, we break down, and fall apart. Sometimes in the arms of our loved ones, and sometimes we collapse alone. Others get found, and then there are those who are left behind. Ignored from the get go, no home to fall back on, no loved one’s to complain to about life in general. We just sit on the wall and wait for someone to notice us. But what happens when we don’t get noticed? We stay there, and hope for the best, we hope that when the time comes, we will be chosen, we will have our one and only, and we will live the life we always wanted.

“Move out of the way bitch! You’re blocking the path!”

“Oh, I’m sorry…”

I felt a strong grip latch onto my shoulder and slam me into the lockers lining the corridor.

The girls at this school really were bitches. Regardless of people’s stories, the reasons they came to Silverbirch, they had no soul. And then there were the boys. Rowdy, vicious and obnoxious, the guys would leave nothing in their path of destruction, especially if you got in their way. So no…that voice that told me to get out of their way was not in fact one person. It was a chorus coming from the ‘popular’ crowd of the school, the people who did the worst things to get them in here, but not into some mental institution. Forcing their parents to live under the house while they hosted parties for the whole neighbourhood, spray-painting homeless people as they were sleeping. Just the little things for them. There were rumours at one point that a girl got expelled from this school…this school, the school for the delinquents. They say she attacked the school nurse with the scalpels she found on the bench beside her as her head was being stitched up from a knife fight. Cutting open a major vein in the nurses neck was one way to get out of this hellhole. 

And then there was me. I’m here for no reason of my own, except my mum is the principal…

At any other school, having your mum as the principal could reap some rewards, but this school? You’re just asking for more trouble then you’re getting. Now looking at me in perspective with everyone else in the picture, sure…I’m your angel. But not in regards to this schools population, and you put me in with normal people, anyone would realise that maybe I’m not just here for the reasons I suggest.

The last school I went to didn’t last too long. I think it was 7 school days before someone caught on that I was the one cling wrapping the teacher’s toilets and sticking sachets of tomato sauce underneath all the toilet seats. I got a stern warning from that…but then I thought to go that one step further…you know, to test the hard limits. Fucking the student teachers also didn’t come down as their ‘to do’s’ in their list of rules, so that was what got me kicked out. 

But seriously…if you had seen this guy, you would’ve worked out why there was no hesitation between meet and greet, to fuck. He was really a combination of Ed Sheeran and Prince Harry! I still have his number though, so no real loss at that school. Of course I managed to get them to keep their mouth shut about that one to my mum, I wasn’t really sure how well she would cope with that news, she still thought that I was an innocent angel that was always getting caught for tripping over someone else’s shoelace. 

At this school, I am sort of trying to keep to the minimalist side, at least for the first week. Until my mum is no longer on my back trying to get me to do well and get along with my ‘fellow classmates’, I can’t really get down to what I love to do most. 

At the school that kept me the longest, people used to call me the ‘Devil’s Aphrodite’, and for a good reason. Firstly…I was beautiful, and I still am. Anyone would stop in their paths to watch me pass them. As cliché as that sounds, it was true. With long, light brown hair that flowed down to my hips and large, round, bright, blue eyes, it was common for people to think my parents were super models. The truth is…my mum was, in another life. And my dad? Well I’ve never met him, and I’ve learnt to get around without him. To add to my physique, my narrow waist and perfect sized chest got me places that are in all of your wildest dreams. And the best bit? Well, my stomach. I’ve been blessed with the genes that we all want and never have. I can eat anything I want, and I mean anything…and I will gain no weight. My stomach stays flat and toned, and is perfect for all of those mid-riff tops that hug your figure. Put it all together and WHAM! Beautiful body that all girls would die for and all the guys want to get! 

Now the Devil. Give me a description of the devil, and I’m sure we will be able to compare the similarities of each quite easily. Put them both together and you get me…A player who lies and gossips about people I hate, but love the people I don’t hate. I’m beautiful and could get anyone that I want, and I let them have it all. I’m not a virgin…as my mum has been led to believe, and I don’t really care about the future. I care about the now, and if I can’t live in the now…There is no need to live at all. YOLO may sound cheesy and old, and that’s why I use ETM and LITN. Experience the moment and Live in the Now. Those two phrases pretty much sum up by life in 7 letters.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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