Ch. 1 Trick

18 3 1

Not edited. Just so you know.  


6 months earlier

I hold my hand out wishing that I could feel the water that is running over my hand and into the floor of the tub. I pull my hand but still stand in the shower, just out of the stream of streaming water.

I can recall the sensation of having hot water running over my body. Washing all the ground of the day off. I can feel the water pooling beneath my feet. Only out feels too real to be my imagination. I open my eyes and I can feel the water splashing on my toes. I shake my head as if to dispel the feeling of water that can not be touched. But it doesn't go away.

I stick my hand out and into the water. I can feel every single drop of water that hits my hand and forearm. I bend down into a crouch and scoop up the water with my hands. I pour it over my head, even though the fresh water from the shower head was already washing my hair-sprayed curls that I had been wearing when I had died.

I can't believe this! I haven't felt a single thing in, what? Months? Years? It was absolutely AWESOME! Let me tell you, I haven't had a shower in, Lord know how long and it is completely disgusting. Not that I sweat or anything. It's just the idea that I haven't showered in a very, very long time.

I strip off my now soaking dress that had been on my body for absolutely way too long. Next goes the bras, undies and the three inch velvet heels that I am holding. I am completely nude under the hot stream of water. After shutting off the water I reach my hand out of the shower and grab a fluffy towel.

I know that this family has a daughter around the size I had been when I died. So I step out of the shower with the towel weep wrapped around me tightly. 

I'm so concentrated on every touch my feet make with the ground that I don't even notice the totally yummy red-head in the huge bathroom as I saunter into the hallway.

Even though I want to touch everything and let my feet trail as I walk I hurry my pace knowing full well that this magnificent thing/gift/miracle can be taken away just as fast as it has come. I reach for the handle, trying to remember how to turn it. After fiddling with it for a few moments I get it. As I push the door open, marveling at how easy it is, I see teal colored walls covered with posters and pictures and a nearly made queen sized bed in the corner.

I flop into the ridiculously comfortable bed, remembering what it feels like you sleep. How long has it been since I'd last slept? It's hard to keep track of the time here in Here-and-Nowhere.

I scramble out of the warm, soft bed and turn in a circle trying to find the closet in the huge bedroom. The McLeans have a mansion or a manor or whatever you want to call it. It's the sort of house where every room could hold two of your regular-sized, normal house room.

I see two other doors other than the door I had just com me on from. I choose the one on the left and walk across the room. Pulling open the door I find another large bathroom waiting. The counters are covered with make-up and other hair and beauty products. Pushing the door back closed I think of the similar products that use to clutter the bathroom that I shared with my mother.

I dance, quite literally, to the other four, the door on the right, and pull this one open. I gape at the expanse of clothing that stretches in front of me. I walk down the rows of cloth running my fingertips over the soft cashmere and hard denims.

I stop when I reach the pajamas and underwear. I pick out an orange starts bra and matching panties. Next pull on soft sweet pants that run a big past my heels and a t-shirt with the Beatles insignia on it. Hey, if I'm going to be comfy!

"Um, excuse me." Says a deep voiced somebody, it sounds like it's from the doorway of the closet. I don't react because I know he can't see me. He clears his throat and says more angrily "Excuse me, but what are you doing in my sister's closet. Wearing her clothes!"

I turn around slowly as if I was turning in a jar of honey, not believing what I hear. As I see the redheaded boy I realize that he is starting straight at me. Still in disbelief, even after all that's happened today, I point to my chest. He nods and I speak


"Yes, you." He says, clearly annoyed.

"You can see me?" I ask.

"Yes! I can see you!"


"Yes! What is your problem?"

I squeal and jump up and down clapping my hands.

"You can see me..." I say thoughtfully "but can you feel me?"

"Um..." He says as I start towards him. "What are you do-" he stop pods as I press my lips against his and hold his face with my hands.

At first he is alarmed and tried to pull away, but he quickly falls into step. I feel his eyes close and his arms snake around my waist. My stomach flips and jumps as the rest of my insides burst into butterflies.

My lips tingle with the taste of his lips on mine. And the only thing in my mind is one question.

Does he feel it too?


Oh snap 

Didn't see that one coming!

Well I did. Hope you guys didn't.

But anyways... UPDATE!! Wahoo!!

Don't you just love updates?! I know I do! I'm just sorry that I don't do it more often. Yeah, I'm horrible at it actually.

So yeah. Hope you guys loved it! I know it's kinda cliche, but whatever I like cliche. It's good for the soul.




I write more when I get more positive comments and votes!

Until next time loves!!!

Jader <3

P.S. Picture of Trick on the side

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